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April 16, 2024
The Board of Supervisors of the Clay County Utility Authority (CCUA) met in Regular Session in the Board
meeting room at the Administrative Office of the Clay County Utility Authority, 3176 Old Jennings Road,
Middleburg, Florida, on the above-stated date.
Item No. 1 —Call to Order
Chairman Starnieri called the meeting to order at 2:00 P.M.
Item No. 2—Invocation/Pledge of Allegiance
Mr. Starnieri offered the Invocation and led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Item No. 3—Roll Call
Roll Call was taken with Chairman Starnieri, Mr. Hingst, Mr. Petty, and Mrs. Taylor in attendance.
Also present at the meeting were Executive Director Jeremy Johnston, Chief Operations Officer Darryl Muse,
Chief Financial Officer Jeff Wesselman, Chief Engineer Paul Steinbrecher, Assistant Chief Operations Officer/
General Superintendent Distribution & Collection David Rawlins, General Superintendent Water Ross Bland,
General Superintendent in Training Wastewater David McDonald, Assistant Chief Engineer Joe Paterniti,
Utility Engineer Heather Cavanagh, Service Availability Manager Melisa Blaney, Compliance Manager
Heather Webber, Procurement Manager Angelia Wilson, Contract & Procurement Specialist Darrin Parker
Administrative Assistant Operations Alicia Baker, Administrative Assistant Engineering Annecia Asberry, and
Grady H. Williams, Jr., legal counsel to the CCUA.
Item No. 4—Employee Recognition
a. Cara Clark—35 years
b. John Fuquay—25 years
c. Janice Loudermilk—25 years
d. Ingrid Rodriguez— 10 years
Executive Director Jeremy Johnston introduced and presented a plaque to Financial Assistant Cara Clark
in recognition of her thirty-five years of service. He also presented plaques to Chief Operator -
Wastewater John Fuquay and Distribution & Collection Administrator/Recording Secretary Janice
Loudermilk in recognition of their twenty-five years of service. Billing Clerk Ingrid Rodriquez-Velez
was presented a certificate acknowledging her ten years of service.
Item No. 5 - Florida Department of Environmental Protection-Best Operator Award
Chief Operations Officer Darryl Muse informed the Board CCUA's Pier Station Water Treatment Plant won an
Operational Excellence Award and introduced Chief Operator Wastewater Lyle Fulton and Lead Operator
Water Nicholas Jourdan who both received Best Operator Awards from the Florida Department of
Environmental Protection.
April 16, 2024
Item No. 6 - Clay Electric Cooperative, Inc., Capital Credits Refund Check
Clay Electric Cooperative's Orange Park District Manager Andy Chaff presented a Capital Credits Refund
check to CCUA.
Item No. 7—Approval of Minutes
a, Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting,April 2, 2024
After discussion, Mr. Petty moved, seconded by Mrs. Taylor, and carried 4-0, to approve the minutes of
the April 2, 2024, Regular Meeting.
Item No. 8 —Approval of Consent Agenda
After discussion, Mrs. Taylor moved, seconded by Mr. Hingst, and carried 4-0, to approve the Consent Agenda
as follows;
1) Approval of Payment of Warrants
Warrants totaling $9,313,134.20
a. Schedule of payments to Sole Sources
b. Schedule of Emergency Repairs/Purchases -None
c. Schedule of items initiated under Emergency Contract-None
d. Schedule of payments from the Emergency Account -None
e. Schedule of claims paid under the Sewage Backup Response Policy-None
f. Detailed Descriptive Warrant Report -None
2) Request for Asset Disposal Authorization—None
3) Sole Source Designation—None
b. Approval of Capital Budget Activities
1) Requests for Award of Procurement Contracts and/or Ratification of
Procurement/Construction Contracts or Contract Renewals
a. First Renewal of Agreement with SML, Inc. for Records Management Consulting
b. First Renewal of Auditing Services Contract No. 2020/2021-A06 with James Moore
& Co., P.L.
2) Approval of Supplemental Agreements and Change Orders
a. Proposed Change Order No. 3 to Ridaught Landing WRF Upgrades Main Contract
with Petticoat-Schmitt Civil Contractors, Inc.
b. Proposed change to Fleming Island WWTF Expansion contract with CDM Smith Inc.
c. Approval of Financing Requests—None
d. Approval of Contract Usage—None
1) Developer Agreement KH23/24-8 —Bradford County Fire Station—Bunkhouse Addition
— 3987 SE 8th Avenue (Board of County Commissioners of Bradford County, Florida) —
1.5 ERC's water, 1.5 ERC's AWS, 1.5 ERC's SJRWMD, 1.5 ERC's debt service -
2) Developer Agreement KH23/24-9 — Water Service to 6538 Woodland Drive (James &
Theodora Williams)— 1 ERC water, 1 ERC AWS, 1 ERC SJRWMD, 1 ERC debt service
- $4,053.64
3) Developer Agreement KH23/24-10—Water Service to 6616 Woodland Drive (William&
Rose Barrett) — 1 ERC water, 1 ERC AWS, 1 ERC SJRWMD, 1 ERC debt service -
4) Developer Agreement KU23/24-33 — Fleming Island Daycare — 1135 Clay Street
(Groundswell Island Partners, LLC) — 6 ERC's water, 5.5 ERC's wastewater, 6 ERC's
AWS, 6 ERC's SJRWMD, 5.5 ERC's environmental impact, 5.5 ERC's debt service -
April 16, 2024
5) Developer Agreement KU23/24-34 — Orange Park Dialysis Center — 1560 Wells Road,
Suites 103-105 (Orange Park Retail, LLC) — 4.037193 ERC's water, 5.103217 ERC's
wastewater, 4.037193 ERC's AWS, 4.037193 ERC's SJRWMD, 5.103217 ERC's
environmental impact, 4.037193 ERC's debt service - $45,493.37
6) Developer Agreement MU23/24-12 — Granary Park Amenity Center Additional
Reclaimed Irrigation Service—2469 Sandridge Road (Sandridge Land Developers, LLC)
—4 ERC's reclaimed, 4 ERC's debt service - $4,488.83
7) Developer Agreement RU23/24-2 — Water Service to 2109 Spinnaker Court (Nasser
Rukab and Allison Ross) — 1 ERC water, 1 ERC AWS, 1 ERC SJRWMD, 1 ERC debt
service - $6,828.00
8) Grant of Easement—990 Floyd Street—Grantor- Brian Rex Hall and Michelle Hall
9) $11,947.23
Item No. 9—Customer Account Adjustments -None
Item No. 10—Business discussed at Committee Meetings -None
Item No. 11 —Executive Director's Business
a. February 2024 Financial Package
Chief Financial Officer Jeff Wesselman presented the February Financial Package for consideration. He
reported Operating income is $525,904 (8%) over budget due to an unfavorable revenue and favorable
expense variance. Operating revenue is $1,292,570 (5%) under budget and Operating expenses are
$1,818,474 (9%) under budget. CCUA has gained 758 active water accounts and 408 active sewer
accounts for the fiscal year 2023/2024 as compared to an increase of 524 active water accounts and an
increase of 528 active sewer accounts for the same time in fiscal year 2022/2023. After discussion, Mr.
Petty moved, seconded by Mrs. Taylor, and carried 4-0, to approve the February 2024 Financial
Package, as presented.
b. Proposed Abandonment and Property Conveyance of Well#1 at Postmaster Village Water Treatment Plant
Compliance Manager Heather Webber presented a proposed abandonment and property conveyance of
well #1 at the Postmaster Village Water Treatment Plant. There are two (2) active wells, both located
within the plant property, currently serving CCUA's Postmaster Village Water Treatment Plant. These
two (2) wells were installed in 2009 and have been serving the Keystone Heights area since their
completion. Prior to 2009, two (2) different wells served the community, one of which is located a short
distance from the plant on a small parcel at 8835 Puppy Grass Cove. This small parcel is surrounded on
three (3) sides by a residential parcel. CCUA staff has confirmed that the well is no longer needed to
supply water to the Postmaster Village Water Treatment Plant. The owners of the adjacent residential
parcel cannot obtain a permit from the Clay County Health Department to install a septic tank, due to
setback requirements for public use wells. A septic tank cannot be located within 200 feet of a public
use well, rendering both the parcel surrounding the well and the residential lot directly east of that parcel
unbuildable. CCUA staff recommends grouting the well to formally abandon it, per St. Johns River
Water Management District (SJRWMD) rules for inactive wells and conveying the property to the
owner of the adjacent residential lot. As consideration for the transfer, the property owner would be
responsible for the costs to abandon the well. A professional well driller would grout the well and
CCUA staff would inspect the well prior to conveyance. SJRWMD has confirmed that the well will be
removed from CCUA's Consumptive Use Permit once the well driller's report confirming grout
completion is delivered. After discussion, Mrs. Taylor moved, seconded by Mr. Petty, and carried 4-0, to
abandon the well and convey the property as presented by Ms. Webber.
April 16, 2024
c. Recommended Selection of the Fencing Supplies and Installation Services RFQ#2023/2024-A07
Contract & Procurement Specialist Darrin Parker presented a request for approval of RFQ# 2023/2024-
A07 Fencing Supplies and Installation Services continuing contract. The implementation of a continuing
contract for fencing services will ensure the ongoing maintenance and upkeep of CCUA's infrastructure.
CCUA's systems are a critical component in maintaining the integrity of our operations and protecting
CCUA's assets. After careful consideration and evaluation of various options, establishing a continuing
contract with reputable service providers is the most prudent course of action. This approach will not
only streamline the procurement process but also guarantee a timely and professional installation,
maintenance, and repair services when necessary. The scope and fees for each project shall be mutually
negotiated with the Contractor and CCUA and executed through Supplemental Agreements. Staff
advertised the project on CCUA's Bonfire Procurement Platform and the Florida Times-Union on
January 3, 2024, and January 6, 2024, for firms interested in providing a variety of Fencing Supplies and
Installation Services on an as-needed basis. On February 23, 2024, staff received one (1) response to the
RFQ, which was evaluated and scored 76.25 by the project evaluation committee. Mr. Parker requested
approval of the bid opening minutes and approval and authorization for the negotiation and execution of
a contract with Armstrong Fence Company. After discussion, Mr. Petty moved, seconded by Mr. Hingst,
and carried 4-0, to approve the bid opening minutes and the vendor for the Fencing Supplies and
Installation Services RFQ#2023/2024-A07, as presented by Mr. Parker.
d. Request for consideration and approval of a License Agreement between Reinhold Corporation and Clay
County Utility Authority associated with the East/West segment of the Peters Creek Water Reclamation
Expansion and Pipeline project
This item was removed from consideration at the request of the Executive Director.
e. Other
Mr. Johnston shared staff recently attended the Florida Water Resource Conference, and their
presentations were well received. He also shared issues with the delivery of electrical equipment
continue to be a challenge with the ongoing construction projects and informed the Board staff will
provide a regulatory briefing regarding PFAS and the new Lead and Copper Rule at an upcoming
meeting. He also reminded everyone the new SpryPoint customer portal will "go-live" on Monday,
April 22, 2024.
Item No. 12—Legal Business
a. Other—None
Item No. 13 —Old Business/New Business -None
Item No. 14—Public Comment-None
Item No. 15— Supervisor Comments
Mr. Petty shared it was great to see the awards and staff milestones which were acknowledged today.
Mrs. Taylor congratulated staff on their service milestones and awards.
Mr. Hingst echoed the other member's comments.
Chairman Starnieri expressed he is always happy to see the service milestones and awards acknowledged. He
also shared he is a big fan of the internship program and its success.
April 16, 2024
Item No. 14—Adjournment
Chairman Starnieri adjourned the meeting at 2:28 P.M.
James Starnieri, Chairman
Janice Loudermilk, Recording Secretary
April 16, 2024