HomeMy WebLinkAbout08.b EDB Reclaimed Water Operating Protocols EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AGENDA ITEM: Presentation of Reclaimed Water Operating Protocols Project Objectives, Analysis, and Recommendations. Date: May 2, 2024 Project Number: 5021-002 BACKGROUND: CCUA possesses a large, reclaimed water system that serves over 16,000 customers. For over 20 years, CCUA has continued to expand and modify the system. Staff considers the efficient operation of the reclaimed water system central to CCUA's strategy to eliminate surface water discharges by 2032 and to continue to serve as an alternative water resource to preserve the Floridan Aquifer. Currently, CCUA customers use 65-70% of reclaimed water for beneficial irrigation uses. We forecast that all reclaimed water will be beneficially used by CCUA customers by the end of the decade. To deliver reclaimed water services effectively and efficiently to our customers, we must have the capabilities to shift reclaimed water supplies from one service area to another. Due to organic growth around each of the plants over time, the system reached a point where an evaluation of operational protocols and a plan for systemwide optimization were necessary. The Board approved staff's request to engage Jacobs Engineering for this purpose in April 2022. Working collaboratively, the Jacobs and CCUA teams reviewed existing plant configurations, drawings, and operational protocols. Using this input data, Jacobs performed detailed hydraulic modeling and analysis of the data. Following this complex data analysis, Jacobs prepared recommended operational and capital improvements to provide a roadmap for 100% reclaimed water use. These recommended operational and capital improvements are detailed in a comprehensive study report. The Executive Summary and Project Cut Sheets are attached. Jacobs staff will provide a summary of the project goals,procedures, and recommendations. ATTACHMENTS: Executive Summary and Project Cut Sheets /PS (Author) //AA(Review) //PS(Final) Jacobs Supplemental Agreement No. 8 Consulting Services for Reclaimed Water Operating Procedures Document No: 23041 2 1 20547 D98A815C Revision No: 3 Clay County Utility Authority 5021 -002 Reclaimed Water Operating Procedures April 11, 2024 Jacobs Supplemental Agreement No. 8 Consulting Services for Reclaimed Water Operating Procedures Client Name: Clay County Utility Authority Project Name: Reclaimed Water Operating Procedures Client Reference: 5021-002 Project No: CCUASA08 Document No: 230412120547_D98A815C Project Manager: Jaynelle Pemberton Revision No: 3 Prepared by: Jacobs Date: April 11,2024 File Name: CCUA Draft Report.docx Doc Status: Draft Document History and Status Revision Date Description Author Checked Reviewed Approved 1 1/5/24 Comment response MPD 2 2/6/24 Comment response MPD 3 2/29/24 Comment response MPD Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. 200 West Forsyth Street T+1.904.636.5432 Suite 1520 F+1.904.636.5433 Jacksonville, FL 32202 www.jacobs.com United States Copyright Jacobs Engineering Group Inc.©2024. ALL rights reserved.The concepts and information contained in this document are the property of the Jacobs group of companies.Use or copying of this document in whole or in part without the written permission of Jacobs constitutes an infringement of copyright.Jacobs,the Jacobs Logo,and all other Jacobs trademarks are the property of Jacobs. NOTICE:This document has been prepared exclusively for the use and benefit of Jacobs'client.Jacobs accepts no liability or responsibility for any use or reliance upon this document by any third party. Supplemental Agreement No. 8 Consulting Services for Reclaimed Water Operating Procedures Executive Summary As a leading reclaimed water service provider in Florida,Clay County Utility Authority(CCUA)serves Clay County,a region experiencing rapid growth,with its population expected to double in the next 25 years. CCUA operates five interconnected reclaimed water facilities(RWFs), providing 60%to 70%reclaimed water to an extensive public-access reuse system.This system has enabled CCUA to meet nutrient load for its total maximum daily load objectives over the past two decades. Furthermore,it provides an alternate water source for irrigation, reducing reliance on the Floridan aquifer and promoting greater sustainability of precious water resources. Over the past two decades,CCUA has organically grown in response to the reuse demands of the rapidly expanding county.CCUA plans to continue expanding within its service area to meet the increasing demand for reclaimed water,focusing further south and east along the First Coast Expressway,with a sixth RWF at Peters Creek in the south.Through its expansion, CCUA aims to achieve complete reuse across the county by 2031; however, CCUA's service area faces an imbalance:there is an excess of reclaimed water in the northern service area and a growing demand in the southern section.To address this imbalance and other operational needs,CCUA commissioned this evaluation to identify optimized operating protocols and capital improvements to transition the system from approximately 70%reuse to 100%reuse.Jacobs was retained by CCUA to forensically analyze the CCUA reclaimed water distribution system and identified $12.38 million in capital projects and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) improvements to enhance facilities and operations to attain a fully optimized water resource system (refer to Table ES-1 and Figure ES-1). The analysis involved a comprehensive review of CCUA's flow and level data, gathered from the SCADA system,to assess how well the system's operational protocols—including pump setpoints,valve positions, tank filling ranges,and distribution configurations—efficiently meet demand.This information was analyzed to update CCUA's Innovyze InfoWater Pro water model. Initial model findings matched the data analysis results and observations, confirming that demand at times can exceed local supply in the south, requiring the use of augmentation wells. Conversely, in the northern service region,there are conditions where excess reclaimed water can discharge into river outfalls concurrently with the use of augmentation wells, underscoring the potential for redistribution to help meet demand in the south. The distribution network's operational imbalance primarily stems from the RWFs predominantly operating in isolation, each focusing on its local distribution without a unified process control.The absence of a central operational control leads to competition among facilities, resulting in pump cycling and impeding the coordinated transfer of excess reclaimed water to areas in need.This situation is a byproduct of the system's evolution from individual RWFs serving local areas to a now nearly fully gridded system. Additionally,the analysis identified an opportunity to optimize usage of storage capacities during peak demand periods within a local distribution,which is a major factor in the concurrent use of augmentation wells and discharge of reclaimed water to outfalls. To address the identified challenges within CCUA's system, a two-part approach is recommended.The first part involves a $1.73 million upgrade to the SCADA master controller, designed to oversee and manage reclaimed water across all facilities, ensuring a coordinated and efficient distribution.This upgrade encompasses system programming enhancements, installation of new meters, and improved valve controls.A key aspect of this upgrade is establishing a unified SCADA operating protocol for the reclaimed water distribution system.This master protocol will coordinate tank control levels to use full tank capacities and gather systemwide data to adjust flow rates efficiently to optimize water flow management from source sites to distribution points.An upgrade to operations is proposed,where all but one RWFs 230412120547 D98A815C ES Supplemental Agreement No. 8 Consulting Services for Reclaimed Water Operating Procedures operate under flow control,with only one under pressure control, effectively minimizing pump coupling issues.The introduction of a master SCADA controller to regulate flow rates is central to achieving higher operational control and system efficiency. The second part of the recommended approach proposes allocating $10.65 million for targeted infrastructure improvements to enable the transfer of reclaimed water from areas of excess in the north to areas of need in the south.The first recommended project would construct new pipeline sections parallel to the existing distribution system.These pipelines will serve as a dedicated transmission line, effectively separating the transmission and distribution networks,to enhance efficiency.The second and third recommended projects focus on developing new pipelines that bypass residential connections along the transmission pipeline,ensuring unimpeded flow to 0akleaf RWF.The fourth recommended project includes installing a new set of pumps at Old Jennings Road RWF to directly connect the reclaimed water to the southern transmission pipeline while bypassing residential distributions. Finally,the plan includes additional storage tanks at Spencer's RWF to increase system flexibility and surge capacity.These tanks are critical for managing fluctuating demands and enhancing the system's responsiveness to changing usage patterns. These recommendations are designed to fully optimize CCUA's reclaimed water distribution system by segregating the transmission and distribution networks,reducing the need for groundwater augmentation as the region grows and minimizing unnecessary discharge into river outfalls.Additionally,these initiatives will help minimize excessive pump cycling, enhancing overall system efficiency. Detailed descriptions of the recommended projects and preliminary construction cost estimates are provided in Table ES-1.The recommended operational and infrastructure upgrades position CCUA for 100%reuse by the end of the decade. 230412120547 D98A815C ES-2 Supplemental Agreement No. 8 Consulting Services for Reclaimed Water Operating Procedures Figure ES-1. Project Locations 1., Spencer's-Y y"S� , .f�/ RWF G 1 h ' - mn un , 'ram �`'"' �1 ASC Project 1: RWF Storage Tank` (1.1 MG) J 1 TP1 Project 1: -Oakeaf RWF i Transmission line --I— I� -- (6,500 ft LF of 20" PVC) K+ tvwCd Dr m TPI Project 2: a `'.,... Transmission line ogres (2,800 ft LF of 12" PVC) P 4o '.. oZ r° 0O d lf £ o eoo:' Lakeside TPI Project 3: �o° Transmission line e (4,300 ft LF of 12" PVC) r t, II TPI Project 4: i 2 Horizontal Pumps & Yard Pipelines 1-r IOId�Je`nnrngs sr,e„nrnef tI Rd-RWF " +teri a° Cl r • ASC Project 2: • RWF Storage Tank _ 0.75 MI (0.75 MG) °` F (1 RWF x k:, -Proposed pipeline .,-° r Distribution network 'II Rid.aught r \ ... Quail Roost Rd Landin RWF a € a - Existing transmission pipeline i 9 , 1 Project area h''' r 230412120547 D98A815C ES-3 Supplemental Agreement No. 8 Consulting Services for Reclaimed Water Operating Procedures Table ES-1.Project Summary Estimated Project Cost and Construction Project Durationa Description Transmission Pipeline Isolation Projects($6.53 million) Project 1:Transmission $3.18 million Install 6,500 feet of 20-inch-diameter pipeline parallel Pipeline from Spencer's 7 to 8 months to the existing distribution system to serve as a RWF to Oakleaf RWF dedicated transmission pipeline. Project 2:Oakleaf RWF $0.96 million Install 2,800 feet of 12-inch-diameter pipeline parallel Connection to 3 to 4 months to Challenger Drive, beginning at Kindlewood Drive and Challenger Drive extending to SR 23,connecting the neighborhood to the Oakleaf distribution system. Project 3:Transmission $1.47 million Install 4,300 feet of 12-inch-diameter pipeline that Pipeline North of OJR 4 to 5 months bypasses residential connections along the RWF transmission pipeline in route to Old Jennings Road. Project 4:OJR RWF $0.92 million Install a new set of pumps,enabling the reclaimed Pump Station Upgrade 7 to 8 months water to bypass the distribution connection and connect directly to the south transmission pipeline. Reclaimed Water Storage Projects($4.12 million) Project 1:Spencer's $2.44 million Construct a new 1.1 MG storage tank at Spencer's RWF Storage Tank 8 to 10 months RWF. Project 2:Ridaught $1.68 million Construct a new 0.75 MG storage tank at Ridaught RWF Storage Tank 7 to 9 months Landing RWF. SCADA and Automation Upgrades($1.73 million) Project 1:RWF $1.42 million Upgrade the SCADA and automation control at each Automation 4 to 6 months facility. Project 2:Central $0.31 million Develop a SCADA central control system. Control 4 to 6 months Total Cost=$12.38 million a Assumes procurement of material does not impact schedule. MG=million gallons OJR=Old Jennings Road SR 23=State Road 23(First Coast Expressway) 230412120547_D98A815C ES-4 0,0 CO`'"r� Clay County Utility Authority - Reclaim Water System m. fl Recommended Project Information Sheet ‘2....672-599_9sy l'AUTN Transmission Pipeline Isolation Projects p J Project 1: Transmission Pipeline from Spencer's RWF to Oakleaf RWF (6,500 ft LF of20"PVC C905) The Spencer's Water Reclamation Facility (WRF) supplies water to the Oakleaf Plantation distribution area through a 16-inch transmission pipeline connected to a distribution network. However, because the transmission line is connected to the distribution system, it must maintain specific operational constraints and network pressures. The restrictions limit its ability to operate solely as a dedicated transmission line. To overcome this challenge, CCUA will install a 6,500 feet of 20-inch pipeline parallel to the distribution system. This new pipeline will be a dedicated transmission line, bypassing the distribution system connections. The project will allow the transmission line to operate independently and effectively distribute water to the Oakleaf Plantation distribution zone, ensuring a reliable and uninterrupted supply of water. PROJECT Project Improvements • 6,500 feet of 20-inch diameter C900 PVC pipe • Install necessary valves and cleanout fixtures CLAY • Temporarily bypass roughly 70 homes during the installation • Install new asphalt pavement • Reconstruct sidewalks and yards BEGIN PROJECT ,, S / \ \ �// l _ \ \` r '`../\ ni'l I / \ ;1\ 11 crane ,_- \� �\ Proposed pipeline �\ Distribution network o „+ Existing transmission pipeline END PROJECT , ,-- 1 Project area Project Cost: $3.18 million Construction: 7-8 months Project Mission:to provide its customers with reliable reclaimed water.To achieve this,CCUA is committed to investing in its infrastructure and improving its operations.These upgrades will help optimize the transfer and distribution of water, which means that the reclaimed water can be delivered more reliably.By doing this,CCUA will be able to reduce unnecessary river discharges and avoid using augmentation wells,which is better for the environment. 0,0 CO`'"r� Clay County Utility Authority - Reclaim Water System m. rst Recommended Project Information Sheet G'iTl'AUT o* Transmission Pipeline Isolation Projects p J Project 2: Oakleaf RWF Connection to Challenger Drive (2,800 ft LF of 12" PVC C905) Two water reclamation facilities (WRFs)supply water to the Oakleaf Plantation distribution area via transmission pipelines that merge at a set of diversion valves, forming a single transmission pipeline that stretches to the Old Jennings Road (OJR) WRF. However, a 12-inch connection to a neighborhood at Kindlewood Drive along this transmission line limits its capacity to serve solely as a dedicated transmission line. To ensure a dependable and uninterrupted reclaimed water supply, CCUA will install 2,800 feet of 12-inch pipeline parallel to Challenger Drive, beginning at Kindlewood Drive and extending to the First Coast Expressway (SR 23), connecting the neighborhood to the Oakleaf distribution system. This undertaking will allow the transmission line to function independently and proceed unobstructed to the OJR WRF without any residential connections. PROJECT Project Improvements • 2,800 feet of 12-inch diameter C900 PVC pipe • Install necessary valves and cleanout fixtures CLAY • Disconnect one major lateral at Kindlewood Dr. • Reconstruct sidewalks, curbs, and ditches ,L-._ f-- .` BEGIN PROJECT O itaio -1 J` ru td i. ( 1 1 cos I 1 I( -wet-S II � { - - J r 1 D PROJ ECT D'1 —T-7 j E E N P r- >W \ U — - - _Kill_ . -r'1iDr -Proposed pipeline Q .. r _ I Distribution network }' - - Existing transmission pipeline I I Project area Project Cost: $0.96 million Construction: 3-4 months Project Mission:to provide its customers with reliable reclaimed water.To achieve this,CCUA is committed to investing in its infrastructure and improving its operations.These upgrades will help optimize the transfer and distribution of water, which means that the reclaimed water can be delivered more reliably.By doing this,CCUA will be able to reduce unnecessary river discharges and avoid using augmentation wells,which is better for the environment. ���y CO`'"r� Clay County Utility Authority - Reclaim Water System �I Recommended Project Information Sheet G'iTl'AUTNO* Transmission Pipeline Isolation Projects p J Project 3: Transmission Pipeline North of OJR RWF (4,300 ft LF of 12" PVC C905) To ensure a reliable and consistent reclaimed water supply, CCUA has identified a need to install 4,300 feet of 12-inch pipeline that bypasses residential connections along the transmission pipeline en route to the Old Jennings Road (OJR) Water Reclamation Facility. The current transmission line along SR 23 has several residential connections, which limits its capacity to function solely as a dedicated transmission line. The proposed new pipeline will begin at White Bark Plantation Drive, traverse a wooded path onto Whisper Creek Boulevard, and terminate just east of Challenger Drive. This project will connect the neighborhood to the northern OJR distribution system, allowing the transmission line to function independently and proceed unobstructed to the OJR WRF, free from any residential connections, ensuring an uninterrupted supply of reclaimed water. r Project Improvements PROJECT • 4,300 feet of 12-inch diameter C900 PVC pipe • Install necessary valves and cleanout fixtures CLAY • Disconnect one major lateral at Whisper Creek Blvd. • Reconstruct sidewalks, curbs, and ditches --. END PROJECT i .\ N ;— \ • / /// \\ \\ \ \ --- •\ ----____ _ -, -- --., - --- \\--\ \ \ Proposed pipeline \` Distribution network BEGIN PROJECT ' ' Existing transmission pipeline __ _ Project area J Project Cost: $1.47 million Construction: 4-5 months Project Mission:to provide its customers with reliable reclaimed water.To achieve this,CCUA is committed to investing in its infrastructure and improving its operations.These upgrades will help optimize the transfer and distribution of water, which means that the reclaimed water can be delivered more reliably.By doing this,CCUA will be able to reduce unnecessary river discharges and avoid using augmentation wells,which is better for the environment. 0,0 Clay County Utility Authority - Reclaim Water System fl Recommended Project Information Sheet AUTO* Transmission Pipeline Isolation Projects p J Project 4: OJR RWF Pump Station Upgrade (2 Horizontal Pumps &Yard Pipelines) The Old Jennings Road (OJR) Pump Station (PS) services the northern distribution system, enabling reclaimed water through the SR 23 transmission pipeline. However, it is connected to a residential distribution network where it must operate under specific operational constraints before reconnecting to the southern transmission pipeline. CCUA has planned to install a new set of pumps that will enable the reclaimed water to bypass the distribution connection and connect directly to the south transmission pipeline. Once complete, this project will allow the transmission pipeline system to operate independently without any interruptions caused by residential connections. This project is part of the transmission line isolation projects to ensure continuous reclaimed water supply to the south. Project Improvements PROJECT • Install 2 horizontal pump (100 HP) • 148 feet of 12-inch diameter C900 PVC pipe CLAY • Install necessary valves, flow meters, and piping fixtures • Repair building as needed a MI I BEGIN PROJECT - i - - - •-Proposed pipeline I - Distribution network END PROJECT - Existing transmission pipeline Project Cost: $0.92 million Construction: 7-8 months Project Mission:to provide its customers with reliable reclaimed water.To achieve this,CCUA is committed to investing in its infrastructure and improving its operations.These upgrades will help optimize the transfer and distribution of water, which means that the reclaimed water can be delivered more reliably.By doing this,CCUA will be able to reduce unnecessary river discharges and avoid using augmentation wells,which is better for the environment. 03„y Clay County Utility Authority - Reclaim Water System rst Recommended Project Information Sheet 272-5999 G l�TY AUTO* Additional Storage Capacity Projects Project 1: Spencer's RWF Storage Tank(1.1 million gallons) System wide modeling showed that storage was not fully utilized to optimize delivery of reclaimed water. Analysis shows that the reclaimed water system would have higher operational flexibility and redundancy from additional storage. It is recommended to install a 1.1-million-gallon tank at Spencer's reclaimed water facility. Implementing this additional storage provides additional storage to avoid discharging to the river, which would provide additional reclaimed water during peak hours. The ability to have an additional supply of reclaimed water would reduce the reliance on augmentation wells. This improved storage utilization can improve system operation and reduce reliance on external water sources. PROJECT Project Improvements • Install a 1.1 million gallon above ground storage tank • Install necessary valves, flow meters, and piping fixtures CLAY • Upgrade SCADA and instrumentation as needed iJ NEW1.1MG 1 11 GROUND STORAGE TANK -_ 111 r Proposed pipeline Distribution network Existing transmission pipeline Project Cost: $2.44 million Construction: 8-10 months Project Mission:to provide its customers with reliable reclaimed water.To achieve this,CCUAis committed to investing in its infrastructure and improving its operations.These upgrades will help optimize the transfer and distribution of water, which means that the reclaimed water can be delivered more reliably.By doing this,CCUAwill be able to reduce unnecessary river discharges and avoid using augmentation wells,which is better for the environment. 03„y Clay County Utility Authority - Reclaim Water System rst Recommended Project Information Sheet 72-5999 AUTO* Additional Storage Capacity Projects Project 2: Ridaught Landing RWF Storage Tank(0.75 million gallons) System wide modeling showed that storage was not fully utilized to optimize delivery of reclaimed water. Analysis shows that the reclaimed water system would have higher operational flexibility and redundancy from additional storage. It is recommended to install a 0.75 MG tank at Ridaught Landing reclaimed water facility. Implementing this additional storage provides additional storage to avoid discharging to the river, which would provide additional reclaimed water during peak hours. The ability to have an additional supply of reclaimed water would reduce the reliance on augmentation wells. This improved storage utilization can improve system operation and reduce reliance on external water sources. Project Improvements PROJECT • Install a 0.75 million gallon above ground storage tank • Install necessary valves, flow meters, and piping fixtures CLAY • Upgrade SCADA and instrumentation as needed \ I NEW 0.75 MG GROUND STORAGE -Proposed pipeline �� TAN K Distribution network --"•••1_ - Existing transmission pipeline Project Cost: $1.68 million Construction: 7-9 months Project Mission:to provide its customers with reliable reclaimed water.To achieve this,CCUA is committed to investing in its infrastructure and improving its operations.These upgrades will help optimize the transfer and distribution of water, which means that the reclaimed water can be delivered more reliably.By doing this,CCUAwill be able to reduce unnecessary river discharges and avoid using augmentation wells,which is better for the environment. 0,0 CO`'"r� Clay County Utility Authority - Reclaim Water System m. rst Recommended Project Information Sheet ` 272-5999 'iTl'AUTO* SCADA and Automation Upgrades Project 1: RWF Automation (all facilities) To achieve optimal operation of the reclaimed water system after addressing infrastructure limitations through the recommended projects, CCUA will implement a wide area network (WAN)and PAC-to- PAC communication. These protocols will allow for effective management of reclaimed water distribution, tank levels, water transfers, and use of RIBs while minimizing river discharge and the use of augmentation wells. The projects include upgrading the SCADA and automation control at each facility to enhance distribution, tank filling and transmission controls. Project Improvements • Automation programing for pumps, tanks, and valve control • New instruments and meter for flow and level control PROJECT ,' • Field commissioning • Establish WAN to PAC Communication (all RWF) CLAY h i 65 g _____ ._ . .„ , . - . ' . .., __:::,.._ - iOR'. ,- 1 mow- '-'ram► AO • --1 =-11111!Ilik54 41144°11 VII - ' \t'4 . 1 I , - -- 11111W--- - 111111:1411 ' './ .- -.14 - ---- •• Project Cost: $1.42 million Construction: 4-6 months Project Mission:to provide its customers with reliable reclaimed water.To achieve this,CCUA is committed to investing in its infrastructure and improving its operations.These upgrades will help optimize the transfer and distribution of water, which means that the reclaimed water can be delivered more reliably.By doing this,CCUA will be able to reduce unnecessary river discharges and avoid using augmentation wells,which is better for the environment. 0,0 Clay County Utility Authority - Reclaim Water System fl Recommended Project Information Sheet !...72-599_9sy G AUTN SCADA and Automation Upgrades Project 2: Central Control (System-wide) To achieve optimal operation of the reclaimed water system after addressing infrastructure limitations through the recommended projects, CCUA will implement a wide area network (WAN)and PAC-to- PAC communication. These protocols will allow for effective management of reclaimed water distribution, tank levels, water transfers, and use of RIBs while minimizing river discharge and the use of augmentation wells. The projects include upgrading the SCADA and automation control for overall control of the entire system. Project Improvements • Master PLC and Automation • WAN PAC to PAC communication - '~ • Estimated Field Commissioning PROJECT (all RWF) CLAY 111111.111111111 a. minenOM1y ®m i Project Cost: $0.31 million Construction: 4-6 months Project Mission:to provide its customers with reliable reclaimed water.To achieve this,CCUA is committed to investing in its infrastructure and improving its operations.These upgrades will help optimize the transfer and distribution of water, which means that the reclaimed water can be delivered more reliably.By doing this,CCUA will be able to reduce unnecessary river discharges and avoid using augmentation wells,which is better for the environment.