HomeMy WebLinkAbout07.a EDB ERP Board Briefing Final EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AGENDA ITEM: Enterprise Resource Platforms (ERP) Project Update Date: May 30, 2024 UPDATE: Customers continue to respond and register their accounts through our new customer portal. As of Thursday,May 30th,the number of customers who activated their accounts in the new customer portal was 18,077 (20.3%). In addition, we observed an increase in total AutoPay customers of 3,085 accounts. High call volumes for assistance with registering in the new customer portal persist. As previously reported,all our phone lines,at times,are occupied resulting in callers experiencing significant wait times. To address this issue, we continue to redirect team members to assist the Customer Service and Billing Department. We also continue to experience elevated numbers of customers visiting our office. Many of the customers are visiting for assistance to set-up their accounts in the new system due to the wait times experienced when calling the office. Our team reports that customer visits to set-up their accounts generally take 10 to 15 minutes which further strains the availability of our staff. To address this issue, we set-up an area in the Boardroom where members of our team are dedicated to helping customers specifically with account set-up questions and issues. After the bills for April were sent,we began receiving questions from our Eagle Harbor customers. These customers historically made payments to The Crossings who in turn released payment to CCUA for services provided to customers. The new systems cannot accommodate this arrangement. Our team coordinated with Eagle Harbor management regarding the capabilities of the new systems. Customers will submit payments to CCUA first, and we will remit payment to The Crossings for their portion. However, we did not communicate this change to Eagle Harbor customers beyond what is stated on the bill which generated some confusion. We are addressing this issue with a bill insert specifically to Eagle Harbor customers affected by this change. On Thursday, May 30th, we were made aware of an automated mass email sent from InvoiceCloud to all customers with a balance due. Customers with ACH Debit Autopay Accounts from the legacy system were included in the mass email. Our team initiated an effort to identify affected customers with ACH Debit Autopay and let them know to disregard this email. We also made posts on social media that customers on ACH Debit should disregard the automated mass email. As previously reported, our team completed billing for the month of April in four(4)of the five(5)billing cycles without issue. The fifth billing cycle experienced data corruption issues between CCUA and our bill vendor Infosend and was delayed by two (2)business days.We have a plan in place to split this billing cycle in half, but this plan will not be ready for the June billing cycle. We will deploy the workaround we used in May and do not anticipate a delay in this cycle. //JDJ(Author) //KO/AB (Review) //JDJ(Final) We begin reading meters for the next billing cycle on Friday, May 31 St. We will send bills to customers the first week of June.We are looking for improved efficiency and resolution to the minor technical issues experienced during the first billing cycle. With the update to the Board of Supervisors at the last meeting, we noted the issue of reconciliation transactions between the platforms of SpryPoint, InvoiceCloud, and Workday. The technical teams continue to work on this issue. SpryPoint's development team plans to have a solution in place by the end of June. Our team remains engaged with our vendors to address the technical issues stated above. We are also working to balance communications to either individual customers or social media as appropriate. RECOMMENDATION: Staff does not have any recommended action items at this time. //JDJ(Author) //KO/AB (Review) //JDJ(Final)