HomeMy WebLinkAbout07.b EDB 2024-06-24 ERP Board Briefing EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AGENDA ITEM: Enterprise Resource Platforms (ERP) Project Update Date: June 27, 2024 UPDATE: Customers continue to respond and register their accounts through our new customer portal. As of Thursday, June 27th,the number of customers who activated their accounts in the new customer portal was 20,833 (39% of all customers). In addition, we observed an increase in total AutoPay customers of 4,199 accounts. In comparison,prior to the customer portal transition, we had 37,962 customers with an on-line account with CCUA. Based upon the number of previous on-line customers, we have registered 54.9% of those customers. High call volumes for assistance persist. We continue to redirect additional resources from other departments to assist with the calls. We identified some inefficiencies in our current workflow and are working with the management of the Customer Service and Billing Department to prioritize customer engagement. To increase customer engagement and advance customer account registrations in the new customer portal, we will host a Customer Service Extended Hours event on Saturday, June 29th from 8:00 a.m. to noon. While we will not be taking calls that day, CCUA customers can come in for in-person help to sign up for our new customer portal. We will also have a few CCUA vehicles and staff available to engage customers with information on what field operations does daily. We will also have two (2)video displays to provide information regarding the Floridan Aquifer and our High School Internship Program. We are striving to engage our customers and make the process more efficient and convenient during this transition. We have reached a solution between CCUA, SpryPoint, and Invoice Cloud to address the ACH Debit / Autopay issue from CCUA's legacy system. The solution required a modification to Invoice Cloud's Statement of Work (SOW) along with a disclosure of a potential risk. The risk involved the potential of having multiple people registered to an account and one of those people paying CCUA without the others knowledge through the payment method registered with the account. While this is a risk,payments would always be directed to CCUA and not a third party. If encountered, CCUA would engage the customers through our existing policy and procedure to issue a refund for any overpayments. Seeing the risk with the ACH Autopay solution being minimal to CCUA, the Executive Director authorized Invoice Cloud to proceed with the modification to their SOW. With the previous updates, we noted the issue of reconciliation transactions between the platforms of SpryPoint, InvoiceCloud, and Workday. The technical teams have rolled out two (2) of the three (3) fixes and SpryPoint's resources have been testing these internally. SpryPoint's team indicated they will roll this solution out in early July. //JDJ(Author) //KO/AB (Review) //JDJ(Final) The Board of Supervisors previously approved the suspension of disconnections for non-payment through July. Staff will resume disconnections for non-payment in August. We currently have 2,278 customer accounts listed as delinquent with a total of$429,261 of which $100,042 is over 30 days past due. As previously stated, staff will work with customers who are behind in payments to develop a payment plan consistent with process used during the COVID lockdowns. RECOMMENDATION: We request the Board of Supervisors ratify the modification of Invoice Cloud's SOW to address the ACH Debit/Autopay issue. //JDJ(Author) //KO/AB (Review) //JDJ(Final)