HomeMy WebLinkAbout08.d EDB SA No 1 Ardurra RR Condition Assessment and Capital Planning EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AGENDA ITEM: Proposed Supplemental Agreement (SA) No. 1 with Ardurra Group, Inc. to the Professional Services Agreement RFQ 2023/2024-A01 to provide Civil and Environmental Professional Engineering Services for Clay County Utility Authority Condition Assessment, Repair, and Replacement Capital Needs Project. Project Number: 2023-105 Date: August 30, 2024 BACKGROUND: CCUA staff requests approval of SA No. 1 with Ardurra group, Inc. to provide Professional Engineering Services for Clay County Utility Authority Condition Assessment, Repair and Replacement Capital Needs Project. CCUA owns a large number of vertical assets (water plants, water reclamation facilities, lift stations) of varying ages and condition. The purpose of this project is to develop a prioritized list of Rehabilitation and Repair(R&R)projects to be implemented in a 10-year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for vertical assets. The work will be performed by conducting a condition assessment of major infrastructure at each of the facilities, ranking the condition of assets according to standard risk scoring as a means of prioritizing and forecasting future maintenance and rehabilitation efforts, and developing initial estimated capital project costs. The R&R projects will be prioritized in three groups based on CCUA's financing capabilities and risk scores: high priority improvements (1 to 5 years), medium priority improvements (6 to 10 years), and low priority improvements(>10 years). The condition assessment output will also be used to populate CCUA's Cartegraph Asset Management System for these vertical assets. This work will be conducted as a collaborative effort between the operations and engineering groups. The work is scheduled to be substantially complete for loading of next year's CIP budget. Staff selected Ardurra Group, Inc. from the Continuing Engineering Services stable of firms to perform this work based on similar recent project experience, their intimate knowledge of our facilities and their ability to efficiently meet the project timeframes. BUDGET Staff negotiated the proposal with Ardurra Group, Inc. and determined the fee of$443,116.40 to be reasonable for the scope of work. Staff budgeted $500,000 in the FY 2024/2025 Engineering Department Operating Budget for this project. The work will commence on or shortly after October 1, 2024. CCNA: CCNA, F.S. s. 287.055, does apply to the use of a consultant under continuing services contract. Staff negotiated this Supplemental Agreement in compliance with F.S. s. 287.055. Staff and the consultant negotiated this study scope and fee, based on established contract rates, for the professional services at a compensation which CCUA determines is fair, competitive, and reasonable. The contract fee for this work is below the CCNA contracting threshold of$500,000 for individual studies. RECOMMENDATION: Staff respectfully recommends board approval of SA No. 1 with Ardurra Group, Inc. for $443,116.40 to provide Professional Engineering Services for Clay County Utility Authority Asset Condition Assessment, Repair and Preplacement Capital Needs Project. ATTACHMENTS: Supplemental Agreement No. 1 Ardurra Group, Inc. Scope and Fee Proposal Supplemental Agreement No. 1 to the Professional Engineering Services Agreement 23/24-A01 to provide Civil and Environmental Professional Engineering Services for Clay County Utility Authority Condition Assessment, Repair, and Replacement Capital Needs Project. CCUA Project No. 2023-105 Engineer: David Rasmussen, P.E Owner: Clay County Ardurra Group, Inc Utility Authority 405 Golfway West Drive, Suite 201A St. Augustine, FL, 32095 Date: September 3, 2024 Item: Description of Services: Original Provide professional engineering services as Agreement requested and identified in the attached scope of services and fee proposal. Task 1 Project Management $42,896.00 Task 2 Field Inspection Plan $18,032.00 Task 3 Data Collection and Inspections $224,932.40 Task 4 Risk Score Preparation $3,584.00 Task 5 Condition Assessment Report and R&R $111,888.00 Deliverables Task 6 Quality Assurance/Quality Control $21,784.00 Total Lump Sum Price Not to Exceed Without Prior Authorization $423,116.40 Time and Materials Approved by Owner $20,000 Task Authorization Total $443,116.40 This document, along with the Scope and Fee Proposal, shall become an amendment to the Professional Engineering Services Agreement and all provisions of the Agreement will apply hereto. Accepted by: Date: Engineer: David Rasmussen PE. Ardurra Group, Inc. Accepted by: Date: Owner: Jeremy D. Johnston, P.E., MBA, Executive Director Clay County Utility Authority Attachment A CLIENT:Clay County Utility Authority PROJECT:Professional and Vertical Asset Engineering Services for CCUA Condition Assessment,Repair and Replacement Capital Needs Project Fee Estimate Senior Senior Project Sr.Professional Professional Engineering Senior CADD Task Reviewer Manager Engineer Engineer Intern II Designer Administrative Total Hours Total Cost Rates $249.20 $224.00 $187.60 $140.00 $112.00 $98.00 $64.40 - - Task 1-PROJECT MANAGEMENT - - 1.1-Project Management 0 40 0 0 0 0 80 120 $ 14,112.00 1.2—Project Initiation and Kickoff Meeting 0 24 24 0 0 0 0 48 $ 9,878.40 1.3-Data Collection 0 16 16 24 80 0 0 136 $ 18,905.60 Subtotal Task 1 0 80 40 24 80 0 80 304 5 42,896.00 Task 2-Assessment Criteria,Condition Rating System and Filed Inspection Plan 2.1—Prepare Field Inspection Plan 0 8 48 48 0 0 8 II2 $ 18,032.00 Subtotal Task 2 0 8 48 48 0 0 8 112 $ 18,032.00 Task 3-Conduct Multi-Discipline Inspections 3.1—Architectural Assessment 0 0 188 0 0 0 0 188 $ 35,268.80 3.2—Structural Assessment 0 0 198 0 0 0 0 198 $ 37,144.80 3.3—Building Mechanical Assessment 0 0 190 0 0 0 0 190 $ 35,644.00 3.4—Mechanical Assessment 0 0 205 0 0 0 0 205 $ 38,458.00 3.5—Electrical Assessment 0 0 227 0 0 0 0 227 $ 42,585.20 3.6—I&C Assessment 0 0 191 0 0 0 0 191 $ 35,831.60 Subtotal Task 3 0 0 1199 0 0 0 0 1199 $ 224,932.40 Task 4-Prepare Risk Scores by Asset 4.1—Risk Score Preparation 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 16 $ 3,584.00 Subtotal Task 4 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 16 S 3,584.00 Task 5-Facility Condition Assessment Report and R&R CIP Deliverables 5.1—Draft Facility Condition Assessment Report and R&R CIP Deliverables 0 32 200 240 0 48 12 532 $ 83,764.80 5.2—Final Facility Condition Assessment Report and R&R CIP Deliverables 0 16 60 80 0 16 8 180 $ 28,123.20 Subtotal Task 5 0 48 260 320 0 64 20 712 $ 111,888.00 Task 6-QA/QC 6.1—QA/QC and Technical Reviews 64 0 0 0 0 0 0 64 $ 15,948.80 6.2-Capiiatl Plan Preparation Workshop 0 12 12 0 8 0 0 32 $ 5,835.20 Subtotal Task 6 64 I 12 12 0 8 0 0 96 $ 21,784.00 Total Labor Summary $ 423,116.40 Hours Per Category 64 I 148 1559 392 88 64 108 2,423 %Labor per Category 3% I 6% 64% 16% 4% 3% 4% 100 LUMP SUM TOTAL I S 423,116.40 Owner Contingency I T&M as Approved by Owner S 20,000.00 Task Authorization TOTAL S 443,116.40 ARDURRA GROUP,INC. 100 CENTER CREEK ROAD,S-108 ARDURRA ST.AUGUSTINE,FL 32084 PH:904-593-5607 W W W.ARDURRA.COM TASK ORDER 14 THIS TASK ORDER IS PURSUANT TO THE AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTING ENGINEERING SERVICES BETWEEN CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY AND THE ARDURRA GROUP,INC.,(RFQ No.2023/2024-A01).WHICH IS INCORPORATED HEREIN BY THIS REFERENCE,WITH RESPECT TO August 28, 2024 Scope of Services for Professional and Vertical Asset Engineering Services for Clay County Utility Authority Condition Assessment, Repair and Replacement Capital Needs Project Article A. Purpose: The purpose of this Task Order is to authorize and direct CONSULTANT (Ardurra Group Inc.) to proceed with professional and technical engineering services for the condition assessment of the assets of Clay County Utility Authority (CCUA) and to develop a list of Rehabilitation and Repair (R&R) projects to be implemented in the 10-year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) at vertical facilities. The condition assessment and risk scores of the CCUA assets (PROJECT) will include the current condition of assets and risk scores as a means of prioritizing and forecasting maintenance and rehabilitation efforts. The R&R projects will be prioritized in three groups: high priority improvements (1 to 5 years), medium priority improvements (6 to 10 years),and low priority improvements (>10 years). The CCUA assets to be assessed and for which asset data for development of the asset registry, include those assets at 22 water treatment plants (WTPs), 7 Water Reclamation Facilities (WRFs), all reclaimed water storage and pumping station (RPS), and 130 lift stations owned and operated by CCUA. Article B. Scope of Services: The CONSULTANT'S services will include the following: • Detailed work plan with CCUA's Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) consultant, operations leadership, and EAM leadership to collaborate with the CONSULTANT to identify all CCUA's asset scope of work. • Prepare data collection forms to collect asset data and record condition assessment information in a format that can be used to populate the asset database (GIS or tabular format) in alignment with the established asset hierarchy working in close collaboration with CCUAs EAM staff and CCUA's operations staff. • Develop scoring criteria in close working collaboration with CCUA's operations and EAM staff. 1 TASK ORDER-CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY CCUA CONDITION ASSESSMENT,REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT CAPITAL NEEDS PROJECT • Conduct field inspections,collect,and hold interviews for functional condition and deficiencies. • Collaborate with CCUA on developing risk scores for all asset types.This includes identifying critical assets and incorporate use of risk scores using Cartegraph functionality. • Develop 10-year R&R capital improvement program that considers CCUAs financing capabilities, and the priority ranking of facilities discerned from the above tasks. The R&R CIP program for vertical assets will include the following: o List of projects based on priority and cost that should be conducted in years 1-5. o Project Description memo for each high priority project within years' 1-2 sufficient for use as a Request for Quote (RFQ) or continuing services contract scope of work fully defining project objectives, anticipated cost and schedule, and sufficient detail to the associated project(s). There may be asset classes of work,such as Tank rehabilitation,that will be multi-year programs, and this task will include project definition memos for all such asset class programs starting in years 1-2 of the CIP. o List of projects and project costs for medium priority projects that should be conducted in years 6-10. o List of projects for lower priority projects that CCUA should monitor,that will be the focus of R&R initiates after year 10. • Prior to capital planning,hold draft condition assessment workshop per facility type with CCUA's O&M leads and EAM leads. • Hold workshop during preparation of capital plan. • Develop Workshop agenda and meeting minutes. • Prepare and present draft report to team. Revise based on CCUA comments. Prepare and present final condition assessment report,including a board summary of expected R&R capital needs. The engineering and technical tasks that are proposed for this project are as follows: Task 1 - Project Management 1.1. Project Management CONSULTANT will perform general administrative duties associated with the Project,including project set-up, coordination with subconsultants, progress monitoring, scheduling, team coordination, general correspondence, office administration, and monthly status reports and invoices for engineering services in the format required by the contract.Status reports will include a summary of work completed during the previous month. 2 TASK ORDER-CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY CCUA CONDITION ASSESSMENT,REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT CAPITAL NEEDS PROJECT 1.2. Project Initiation &Kickoff Meeting Upon Notice to Proceed (NTP), CONSULTANT will develop a work plan and schedule for the project.A kickoff meeting will be held between CCUA and key members of the CONSULTANT's project team. The kickoff meeting will include a discussion of the project goals and objectives, scope of the project, challenges or issues, schedule, and communication protocols. CONSULTANT will prepare minutes of the kickoff meeting, including action items, and will distribute to the project team via email. CCUA will convey expected recurring annual R&R funding that may be available over the ten-year CIP load period for this project's planning purposes that is resultant from it's rate study. 1.3. Data Collection CONSULTANT will gather information including but not limited to the following: • Cartegraph information • GIS shapefiles • Original construction plans and specification, shop drawings,etc. • O&M SOPs • Operating history • Past reports and previous field data where available • FDEP Operating Permits • SJRWMD Consumptive Use Permits • Asset replacement costs where known • Asset cycle intervention strategies (i.e. reoccurring maintenance programs for equipment such as tanks,etc.) • CCUA financing capabilities -to support development of the 10-Year R&R Plan CONSULTANT shall review CCUA's existing asset inventory data and asset hierarchy. Task 2 -Assessment Criteria, Condition Rating System and Field Inspection Plan 2.1. Prepare Field Inspection Plan. CONSULTANT shall establish a data collection and condition assessment inspection protocol in advance of the condition assessment inspections in collaboration with CCUA. CONSULTANT shall develop a Field Inspection Plan to outline the sequence of field activities, determine the location, and degree of testing required to adequately prepare the asset registry, collect critical asset details, and evaluate the condition of the assets. Along with this plan the CONSULTANT will identify the nature of the assets to be evaluated along with the information to be collected for each asset that supports asset management decision-making and development of the 10-year R&R plan. The Field Inspection Plan shall identify methods to manage the inspection data to ensure information obtained from the project is appropriately and consistently recorded. The field inspections schedule and the necessary logistics shall be coordinated with CCUA Operations staff based on their availability. 3 TASK ORDER-CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY CCUA CONDITION ASSESSMENT,REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT CAPITAL NEEDS PROJECT CONSULTANT shall develop equipment data collection and condition inspection forms that will summarize each piece of equipment at CCUA's WTPs and WRFs and pump stations in alignment with the established asset hierarchy per plant/facility. The CONSULTANT shall use a field inspection tool Survey123 to collect the appropriate field data. The field inspection tool includes a hand-held tablet to capture data using a configured software. CONSULTANT shall utilize the data collection forms by asset type, in the field inspection tool.Asset Identity Documents ("IDs")from the existing asset inventory shall be used to collect for the asset attribute and condition assessment data.Digital output from the inspection tool shall be provided to CCUA in an Excel spreadsheet, Cartegraph or other deliverable as requested by the Owner. The CONSULTANT will work with CCUA GIS department to support transfer of data directly into CCUA's GIS/Cartegraph system. CONSULTANT will update said equipment data sheets and Cartegraph with photos on the final report. The data collection and inspection protocol shall be utilized to gather condition data to support projecting the remaining useful life of the assets. A rating system based on Cartegraph functionality shall be used to assign the physical condition of an asset (negligible, minor, moderate, major, and severe condition) such that results can be used to support prioritizing CCUA's Capital Improvement Program(CIP). The Field Inspection Plan shall include the following: A. Safety Plan B. Schedule C. Forms and Equipment, including equipment data sheets that will summarize the defined type of equipment at CCUA and the related attributes to be collected. D. Inspection methods and locations/quantity of measurements E. Data Management The Field Inspection Plan shall be developed to cover condition assessments at each site and shall be submitted to CCUA for review and approval. The projects fast track nature requires that this work be fully completed in October 2023 to facilitate data collection and capital planning deadlines to meet spring CIP deadlines. Task 3 - Conduct Multi-Discipline Data Collection and Inspections CONSULTANT shall assemble a multi-discipline team to conduct a condition assessment and asset attribute information of existing assets,accompanied by a CCUA Operator.The inspections shall predominately rely on visual inspection of the assets, noting it's service history, apparent and reported condition, and deficiencies or deteriorated conditions that are observable or discernable from age,inspection, or reports. The intent of the condition assessment is to provide observations related to existing condition and remaining useful life of the various facilities. We are proposing to complete Task 3 - Conduct Multi-Discipline Inspections to gain an understanding of CCUA assets,and if CCUA chooses,prepare and submit to the CCUA Scope of Work and Fee for subsequent physical inspection (i.e., thermal, vibration, structural condition, performance, and/or progression of deterioration condition assessment physical investigation 4 TASK ORDER-CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY CCUA CONDITION ASSESSMENT,REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT CAPITAL NEEDS PROJECT tools). CONSULTANT will incorporate inspection information developed from previous design and rehabilitation reports into the inspections so as to not duplicate efforts. Assessments shall include a review of compliance to Florida Department of Environmental Protection regulations. Depending on the assets at each location, assessments may include: 3.1. Architectural Assessment Inspection of buildings including building envelope and roof. Review buildings for code compliance. 3.2. Structural Assessment Evaluate structural condition of concrete surfaces with respect to corrosion, cracks, spalls; structural steel and miscellaneous metals with regards to visible rust and integrity;brick masonry distress; and overall condition of the structure. pH and hammer testing of concrete may be conducted where feasible during the visit. 3.3. Building Mechanical Assessment Inspection of building mechanical equipment, including the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning ("HVAC") system, odor control systems, and plumbing. Review of compliance to National Fire Protection Agency ("NFPA") 820. 3.4. Mechanical Assessment Evaluate the condition of major mechanical piping and equipment. 3.5. Electrical Assessment Inspection of electrical equipment and evaluation of potential National Electrical Code ("NEC") compliance issues. Assessment shall include variable frequency drives ("VFDs"), motors, switchgear, motor control center ("MCCs"), electrical panels, transformers, and other visible electrical equipment. 3.6. Instrumentation and Controls ("I&C")Assessment Inspection of condition of local instrumentation elements,indicators,transmitters,control panels, and valve controls. During the field inspections, CONSULTANT shall interview CCUA's O&M staff to gain their perspective on pumping station operations and capture maintenance history at each site. The inspections under this task shall be Stage 1 inspections involving visual inspection and interview of staff. No operational testing, disassembly or confined space entry is anticipated unless performed by the CCUA. Based on field inspections,CONSULTANT shall assess the reliability of each asset and associated facilities and develop alternatives and recommendations for repair/rehabilitation improvements. 5 TASK ORDER-CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY CCUA CONDITION ASSESSMENT,REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT CAPITAL NEEDS PROJECT Task 4 - Prepare Risk Scores by Asset 4.1 Risk Score Preparation CONSULTANT shall prepare risk scores based on the results of the condition assessment that will be used in the determination of priorities for each asset.This task will include the following: • Review Cartegraph functionality for risk score tracking. Cartegraph's risk scores are determined using Probability/Likelihood of Failure,Consequence of Failure, and Redundancy scores.Probability/Likelihood of Failure and Consequence of Failure are scored 1-5, and Redundancy is a percentage. • Identify critical assets via collaborative workshops with O&M and EAM leadership, and Plant staff • Identify criteria to embed into Cartegraph for risk scoring • Update Cartegraph to incorporate asset criticality and condition assessment scores Task 5 - Facility Condition Assessment Report 5.1 Draft Facility Condition Assessment Report and R&R CIP Deliverables CONSULTANT shall document the Condition Assessment results and recommendations in a Draft Facility Condition Assessment Report.The Report will be based on a limited site visit to the system by the CONSULTANT, research of available permitting and regulatory resources, and discussions with representatives of the current system CCUA, noting service history, apparent and reported condition, and deficiencies or deteriorated conditions that are observable or discernable from age,inspection,or reports. The draft Report will include an executive summary for each component: Wastewater Treatment Facility, Water Treatment Facility, Reclaimed Distribution and Storage System, lift station, with a table at the end that has a scoring system based on categories such as O&M, CCUA Standards, Condition etc. System maps and figures shall be developed to illustrate the results, support the recommendations, and summarize the proposed improvements. In addition, or alternately depending upon findings, the report will summarize findings and recommendations by class of assets where appropriate such as for Tanks, process mechanical features etc. to facilitate CIP R&R budgeting across all plants for specific assets. The best course of action will be determined after the initial asset inspections based on workshop collaboration. The Draft Report will be provided to CCUA for review and comments. Draft Report shall consist of: • General description of the assets • Limited assessment of the overall physical and operational condition of those assets, • Status of permits summary • Ranking of condition of assets, and compilation into like categories across plants to facilitate grouping of future capital R&R initiatives. • Outline of suggested projects to address the observed deficiencies and bring components in the CCUA system up to CCUA's standards. 6 TASK ORDER-CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY CCUA CONDITION ASSESSMENT,REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT CAPITAL NEEDS PROJECT • Appropriate photographs and other information to document existing conditions in the system assets observed during the site visit. • The R&R projects will be prioritized in three groups: high priority improvements (1 to 5 years),medium priority improvements (6 to 10 years), and low priority improvements (>10 years). 5.2 Final Report CONSULTANT shall incorporate comments from CCUA and update the Draft Report to address these comments. One hard copy and one electronic version of the Final Report shall be provided to CCUA, and results will be presented in summary fashion to the Board of Supervisors. Task 6 - Quality Assurance/Quality Control Activities performed under this task consist of those general functions required to maintain the project on schedule,within budget,and that the quality of the work products defined within this scope is consistent with CONSULTANT's standards and OWNER's expectations. Specific activities included are identified below. 6.1 QA/QC and Technical Reviews One internal technical review will be conducted at a Draft Facility Condition Assessment Technical Memorandum (TM) completion stage of the project. CONSULTANT will perform a continuous QA/QC throughout the project. 6.2 Capital Plan Preparation Workshop One workshop with CCUA will be conducted to determine the high priority assets that will be addressed through RFQ or rehabilitation program. CONSULTANT will the workshop agenda and meeting notes. Article C. Assumptions These services will be performed under the following assumptions: • Linear assets are not included in this scope of work. • For each of the previously described assets the following minimal attribute information will be collected in the field, in addition to condition: o Asset Name/Description(i.e. High Service Motor 1,High Service Motor 2,etc.) o Manufacturer-supports collecting additional information later to improve reporting o Model-supports collecting additional information later to improve reporting o Serial-supports collecting additional information later to improve reporting o Other normal and customary nameplate and equipment specification information related to equipment size, configuration and duty. 7 TASK ORDER-CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY CCUA CONDITION ASSESSMENT,REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT CAPITAL NEEDS PROJECT • Consultant will conduct all asset attribute and condition assessment inspection of existing assets in company of a CCUA Operator. • Physical inspections are not included on this scope or work(e.g.,vibration,structural condition,performance,and/or progression of deterioration condition assessment physical investigation tools). Article D. Compensation As compensation for providing the services described within this Task Order, CLIENT shall pay CONSULTANT in accordance with the current Agreement, based on the estimated percent completion for the Project. The total lump-sum fee proposed for this Task Order is 8423,116.40. The task order also includes an owner directed T&M contingency of $20,000.00, for a total Task Order Value of$443,116.40. The lump-sum budget for this Task Order was developed from estimates of the level of effort required to perform the proposed services based on CONSULTANT's experience and engineering judgment. A breakdown of the proposed fee is provided as Attachment A. Article E. Period of Service: The Project will be complete by February 29,2025. NTP 10/3/2024 Begin Data Collection 10/3/2024 Ardurra to Perform Inspections and Interviews 11/13/2024 Submit Condition Assessment Draft Report 12/22/2024 Capital Plan Preparation Workshop 1/12/2025 Submit Final Report and Capital Plan Sheets 2/29/2025 Article F. Authorized Representatives: The Authorized Representatives designated below are authorized to act with respect to this Task Order. Communications between the parties shall be through the Authorized Representatives: The Authorized Representatives designated below are authorized to act with respect to this Task Order. Communications between the parties shall be through the Authorized Representatives: For CLIENT For CONSULTANT Name: Paul Steinbrecher,P.E. Name: Dave Rasmussen,P.E. Chief Engineer Sr. Project Manager Address: 3176 Old Jennings Road Address: 100 Center Creek Road,Suite 108 Middleburg,FL 32068 St.Augustine,FL 32084 8 TASK ORDER—CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY CCUA CONDITION ASSESSMENT,REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT CAPITAL NEEDS PROJECT Telephone: Office: 904-213-2408 Telephone: 904-593-5607 Mobile: 904-219-4127 9