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December 17, 2024
The Board of Supervisors of the Clay County Utility Authority (CCUA) met in Regular Session in the Board
meeting room at the Administrative Office of the Clay County Utility Authority, 3176 Old Jennings Road,
Middleburg, Florida, on the above-stated date.
Item No. 1 —Call to Order
Chairman Lebesch called the meeting to order at 2:00 P.M.
Item No. 2—Invocation/Pledge of Allegiance
Mrs. Taylor offered the Invocation and led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Item No. 3—Roll Call
Roll Call was taken with Chairman Lebesch, Vice-Chairman McNees, Mr. Hingst, Mr. McCall, Mr. Petty, and
Mrs. Taylor in attendance.
Also present at the meeting were Executive Director Jeremy Johnston, Chief Operations Officer Darryl Muse,
Chief Engineer Paul Steinbrecher, Assistant Chief Engineer Joe Paterniti, Service Availability Manager Melisa
Blaney, Environmental Compliance Manager Heather Webber, Procurement Manager Angelia Wilson, SCADA
Manager John McCleary, Risk & Safety Manager Stan Jurewicz, Master Electrician Billy Loudermilk,
Instrumentation and Controls Technician Zack Askew, Environmental Specialist Barry Cole, Communications
and Public Relations Specialist Kasandra Ortiz, Contract and Procurement Specialist Darrin Parker,
Administrative Assistant Operations Alicia Ellis, Administrative Assistant Engineering Annecia Asberry, and
Grady H. Williams, Jr., legal counsel to the CCUA.
Item No. 4—Employee Recognition
a. Carl Silcox— 15 years
b. Ashley Taliaferro— 10 years
c. Daniel Legge— 10 years
Executive Director Jeremy Johnston presented a certificate to Right-of-Way Technician Carl Silcox
acknowledging his fifteen years of service. He also presented a certificate to Training & Development
Coordinator Ashley Taliaferro and Sewer Line Inspection Technician Daniel Legge recognizing their ten
years of employment at the CCUA. He also acknowledged Engineer in Training Zachary Loeb who
recently received his MBA.
Item No. 5 —Approval of Minutes
a. Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting, December 3, 2024
After discussion, Mr. Petty moved, seconded by Mr. McCall, and carried 6-0, to approve the minutes of
the Regular Meeting held on December 3, 2024.
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Item No. 6—Approval of Consent Agenda
After discussion, Mr. Petty moved, seconded by Vice-Chairman McNees, and carried 6-0, to approve
the Consent Agenda follows;
a. Approval of Financial and Operational Activities
1) Approval of Payment of Warrants
Warrants totaling $5,137,184.37
a. Schedule of payments to Sole Sources
b. Schedule of Emergency Repairs/Purchases—None
c. Schedule of items initiated under Emergency Contract-None
d. Schedule of payments from the Emergency Account—None
e. Schedule of claims paid under the Sewage Backup Response Policy-None
2) Request for Asset Disposal Authorization—None
3) Sole Source Designation—None
b. Approval of Capital Budget Activities
1) Requests for Award of Procurement Contracts and/or Ratification of
Procurement/Construction Contracts or Contract Renewals
a. Proposed Approval of Contract Renewal for the Professional Service Agreement with
Advanced Environmental Laboratories, Inc. for Project Quench Laboratory Services
b. Proposed Approval of Contract Renewal for the Professional Service Agreement with
PACE Analytical Services, LLC for Project Quench Laboratory Services
c. Proposed Approval of Contract Renewal for the Professional Service Agreement with
BCS Laboratories, Inc. for Project Quench Laboratory Services
d. Proposed Approval of Contract Renewal for the Secondary Employment Agreement
between the Clay County Sheriff's Office and Clay County Utility Authority
2) Approval of Supplemental Agreements and Change Orders—None
c. Approval of Financing Requests—None
d. Approval of Contract Usage—None
e. Approval of Developer Agreements, Warranty Deeds &Easements
1) Developer Agreement KU24/25-8 — Wastewater Service to 64 Swimming Pen Drive
(Shawn and Megan Dorsey) — 1 ERC wastewater, 1 ERC environmental impact, 1 ERC
debt service - $12,587.95
2) Grant of Easement—3618 Trail Ridge Road—Grantor—Earl Porter
3) Grant of Easement—3178 & 3182 Moody Avenue—Grantor— Sherrie and Neil Porter
4) First Amendment to Developer Agreements - DR Horton, Inc. —Jacksonville
Item No. 7—Customer Account Adjustments—None
Item No. 8—Rate Study Workshop—Part 2
Mr. Johnston and Chief Engineer Paul Steinbrecher presented Part 2 of the Workshop series to discuss the
findings and recommendations within CCUA's Rate Study. He reviewed the definition of high-strength
wastewater and how charges are determined and assessed to recover the cost of treatment. The option to move
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to a Cost of Service high-strength surcharge for wastewater and how other utilities charge for this treatment was
also discussed. The pros and cons of the options were provided. This report was for the Board's information;
no action was requested or required at this time. Part 3 of the Workshop series will be held on January 21, 2025.
After discussion, the Board and staff determined a fourth Workshop will be held on February 18, 2024, to
review the findings in the previous Workshops.
Item No. 10—Executive Director's Business
a. Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition(SCADA)Presentation
SCADA Manager John McCleary provided an overview presentation on the status and proposed
functionality of CCUA's SCADA project. This report was for the Board's information; no action was
requested or required at this time. Mr. Johnston and Chief Operations Officer Darryl Muse provided
additional information regarding SCADA's current and future uses. This report was for the Board's
information; no action was requested or required at this time.
b. Proposed Change Order No. 12 to the BCR Environmental Corporation Contract to provide upgrades to
the Biosolids Treatment System
Procurement Manager Angelia Wilson and Mr. Muse presented a proposed Change Order No. 12 to the
BCR Environmental Corporation Contract to provide upgrades to the Biosolids Treatment System. BCR
handles the hauling and disposal of all biosolids generated by CCUA's wastewater treatment plants.
Staff and BCR negotiated contractual modifications to address upgrades to four Wastewater Treatment
Plants currently operating out of date equipment as well as software which is no longer supported. These
upgrades result in less downtime, more efficient operations, reduced costs, and standardization of
equipment and operational protocols. The contract modifications include:
• BCR will retrofit the top of the Process Tanks with Vent Gas Blower to eliminate visible
emissions of the process tank Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) and improve safety to operators.
• BCR will retrofit the chemical skids with mag drive gear pumps from the existing diaphragm
dosing pumps and upgrade the current Powerflex 40 Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs) to the
Powerflex 525 VFDs. These pumps are quieter, provide more accurate flowrates, and reduce
impact to ancillary equipment within the process room.
• BCR will replace the existing peristaltic type of polymer pump skids with progressive cavity
pump skids. The progressive cavity pumps can supply a steadier flow of polymer and are able to
target a specific flowrate more effectively with little maintenance.
• BCR will replace the existing Process Logic Controller(PLC)program to the new PLC program.
The newer PLC program uses a ladder logic structure which makes for simple sequencing of
devices and easier troubleshooting.
After discussion, Vice-Chairman McNees moved, seconded by Mr. McCall, and carried 6-0, to approve
Change Order No. 12 to the BCR Environmental Corporation Contract in the amount of $412,900, as
c. Request for approval of proposed 2025 CCUA Board Meeting and Holiday Schedule
Mr. Johnston presented a request for approval of the proposed 2025 Board of Supervisors Meeting Dates
and Holiday Schedule. After discussion, Mrs. Taylor moved, seconded by Mr. Hingst, and carried 6-0,
to approve the schedule as presented.
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d. Other
Mr. Johnston reminded the members the next meeting will be held on January 7, 2025, and the
Workshop Session Tour will be held on Friday January 10, 2025. He thanked the Wellness Committee
for their efforts organizing the Holiday Luncheon. He also wished everyone a merry Christmas and a
happy New Year.
Item No. 10—Legal Business
a. Other
Mr. Williams shared how much he enjoyed today's presentations.
Item No. 11 —Old Business/New Business -None
Item No. 12—Public Comment-None
Item No. 13 —Supervisor Comments
Mr. McCall wished everyone a merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
Chairman Lebesch shared how much she enjoyed the holiday luncheon and congratulated the participants in the
Hydrant Hysteria competition. She also wished everyone a merry Christmas, a happy New Year, and shared her
appreciation for staff's efforts during all of 2024.
Item No. 14—Adjournment
Chairman Lebesch adjourned the meeting at 3:18 P.M.
Anna Lebesch, Chairman
Janice Loudermilk, Recording Secretary
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