HomeMy WebLinkAbout08.e EDB SA No. 2 Jones Edmunds Augmentation CUP Renewal EXECUTIVE SUMMARY
Proposed Supplemental Agreement No. 2 to Professional Services Agreement RFQ 2023/2024-
A01 with Jones Edmunds and Associates,Inc.,to provide Augmentation Consumptive Use Permit(CUP)
Renewal Services.
Project Number: 2025-003
Financial Job Number: 101.511.536.311
Date: January 2, 2025
Staff requests approval of Supplemental Agreement No 2. with Jones Edmunds and Associates,
Inc., to provide Augmentation Consumptive Use Permit(CUP)Renewal Services.
CCUA owns and operates twenty-three (23) Water Treatment Plants to supply drinking water to
its 55,000 customer accounts in Clay County. CCUA also owns and operates seven (7) Water
Reclamation Facilities and eleven(11)Associated Reclaimed Water Storage and Pumping Stations
that serve reclaimed water as an essential component of our service territory's water supply.
Groundwater withdrawals from these existing facilities along with proposed future facilities are
governed by several St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD or District)
Consumptive Use Permits (CUPs), as detailed below:
CUP Number Authorized Withdrawal(mgd) Use Type Expiration Date
416 34.073 Public Supply(N Grid) 12/31/2025
137335 0.495 Governor's Park Public Supply 12/31/2027
51227 3.44 Reclaimed Augmentation 03/08/2025
431 0.833 Keystone Public Supply 11/08/2031
CCUA applied for and believes it is in the final administrative stages of completing renewal of
CUP 416 (North Grid) and CUP 137335 (Governor's Park) in a new 20-year consolidated permit.
CUP 431 for Keystone Heights is not due for renewal until late 2031. CUP 51227 is due for renewal
application by 3/8/2025 and governs groundwater withdrawals for augmentation of the reclaimed
water system for periods when supplies are inadequate to meet demands. This effort relates to
consulting support for the reclaimed augmentation permit renewal, CUP 51227.
Staff interviewed two consulting firms from the Continuing Engineering Contract stable for this
work, and selected Jones Edmunds and Associates, Inc. (Consultant), based on their strong
knowledge of our system, regional groundwater science, consumptive use permitting savvy, and
absence of external conflicts.
Staff worked with the Consultant in fashioning the scope of services to provide the necessary
renewal demand evaluations,modeling, and other normal and customary application components.
The work includes pre-application and post-application meetings with the District for a lump sum
amount of$70,826.80. The work also includes a contingency time and materials component in
the event that the agency issues exceptional requests for additional information beyond the
information typically submitted. The time and materials portion of up to $19,917.60 would be
performed if needed at CCUA's request. The scope of work is expected to be completed within
240 calendar days from notice to proceed.
Staff budgeted$300,000.00 for miscellaneous expenses in the 2024/2025 operating budget. There
is sufficient remaining project budget to cover this expenditure.
CCNA,F.S. s. 287.055 does apply to the use of a consultant under a continuing contract,and limits
construction contracts to less than $7,500,000. Staff negotiated this Supplemental Agreement in
compliance with F.S. s. 287.055. Based on established contract rates, staff and the consultant
negotiated the scope and fee for the professional services at compensation that CCUA determines
is fair, competitive, and reasonable.
Staff respectfully recommends that the Board of Supervisors approve the attached Supplemental
Agreement No. 2 with Jones Edmunds and Associates, Inc., for Augmentation Consumptive Use
Permit(CUP)Renewal Services.
Supplemental Agreement No. 2
Scope and Fee Proposal
Supplemental Agreement No 2 to Professional Services Agreement RFQ 2023/2024-A01 with
Jones Edmunds and Associates, Inc., to provide Augmentation Consumptive Use Permit (CUP)
Renewal Services.
CCUA Project No. 2025-003
Engineer: Brian Icerman, PE, ENV SP Owner: Clay County
Jones Edmunds and Associates, Inc. Utility Authority
730 NE Waldo Rd.
Gainesville, FL 32641
Date: January 7, 2025
Item: Description of Services:
Provide professional engineering services as
requested and identified in the attached scope of
services and fee proposal.
Task 1 Project Management and Progress Meetings $8,090.00
Task 2 Demand Projections $15,854.80
Task 3 Water Conservation Plan $2,362.10
Task 4 Groundwater Modeling $16,204.60
Task 5 MFL Modeling and Evaluation $9,412.00
Task 6 Application Forms $2,182.70
Task 7 Pre-Application Coordination $9,075.20
-Task 8 Post Application Services $7,645.40
Task 9 Time and Materials $19,917.60
Total Lump Sum Price Not to Exceed Without Prior Authorization $70,826.80
The Contract time shall commence on November 21, 2024, and all tasks are to be completed by
February 28, 2025. This document, along with the Scope and Fee Proposal, shall become an amendment
to the Professional Engineering Services Agreement and all provisions of the Agreement will apply
Accepted by: Date:
Stanley F. Ferriera, Jr., PE
President& CEO
Jones Edmunds and Associates, Inc.
Accepted by: Date:
Jeremy D. Johnston, P.E., MBA,
Executive Director
Clay County Utility Authority
Jon esEdmundJ
January 2, 2025
Paul Steinbrecher, PE
Chief Engineer
Clay County Utility Authority
3176 Old Jennings Road
Middleburg, Florida 32068
RE: Proposal for Consumptive Use Permitting (CUP) Services
Renewal of Clay CCUA Utility Authority (CCUA) CUP No. 51227
Jones Edmunds Opportunity No. 95696-410-24
Dear Mr. Steinbrecher:
Please find attached a proposal from Jones Edmunds with Liquid Solutions Group, LLC to
provide engineering services under the terms of the Continuing Services Agreement RFQ
No. 2023-2024-A01 with CCUA. These engineering services are intended to result in the
renewal of a CUP with the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) for CCUA
to meet reclaimed augmentation needs across its service area.
We look forward to working with you. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any
questions about the attached proposal.
Patrick Burger, PE
Senior Project Manager
13545 Progress Boulevard, Suite 100
Alachua, Florida 32615
JonesEdmunds.com 1800.237.1053
The Clay CCUA Utility Authority (CCUA) currently has a Consumptive Use Permit (CUP) with
the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) to augment its reclaimed water
system when supplies are inadequate to meet demands. This CUP (No. 51227) authorizes
CCUA to withdraw up to 3.41 million gallons per day (MGD) from the Upper Floridan aquifer
(UFA) for augmentation. The current CUP expires on March 8, 2025.
Jones Edmunds, in collaboration with Liquid Solutions Group, LLC (LSG), will assist CCUA to
develop an application for renewal of CUP No. 51227. The following Scope of Services is
provided for completing this CUP renewal project.
Jones Edmunds and LSG Team (Jones Edmunds) will participate in an in-person project
Kick-Off Meeting to discuss data needs and project intentions, goals, and expectations for
the project. Jones Edmunds will also attend monthly online progress meetings with CCUA to
discuss project progress and additional information required to complete the project tasks.
Electronic copies of the Kick-off Meeting agenda and minutes.
This task will estimate the total amount of water that CCUA will require to meet the
reclaimed water supplementation needs of its service area. Jones Edmunds will review
previously completed studies, including CCUA's Integrated Water Resources Plan and
other reclaimed water system documents. Jones Edmunds will also require augmentation
withdrawal data for the past 5 years. Using these data and reports, Jones Edmunds will
develop recommendations for water demand estimates to be used in the CUP application
based on the analyses previously performed.
CCUA will also be required to examine and assess the potential to further reduce
groundwater use to supplement its reclaimed water system to the extent technologically,
economically, and environmentally feasible. Jones Edmunds will coordinate with CCUA
to ensure that current information regarding reclaimed water system expansions and
investments relevant to the CUP are presented in an appropriate manner to address the
CUP application requirements.
Jones Edmunds will develop a draft Reuse Technical Memorandum (TM) for review by CCUA.
A final TM for the CUP application will be developed and submitted upon receipt and
95696-410-24 1
January 2025 Renewal of CCUA CUP No. 51227
incorporation of review comments from CCUA. Jones Edmunds will attend up to one meeting
with CCUA to review the draft Reuse TM.
Draft and final Reuse TM.
The SJRWMD CUP Applicant's Handbook specifies the details of the Water Conservation Plan
to be submitted with the CUP application. As part of the previous CUP application, CCUA
developed and implemented a conservation plan in accordance with the CUP handbook
requirements. For this subtask, Jones Edmunds will perform minor updates to that plan
■ Coordinate with CCUA staff to collect data and plan-specific updates meeting the CUP
■ Review the current Water Conservation Plan elements and determine if any elements
need to be updated based on recent laws, codes, and ordinances.
■ Coordinate with CCUA staff to receive the data needed to update the water conservation
• Collect applicable data from CCUA using Form 40C-2.900(7) to perform a water
audit with at least 12 consecutive months of data for the 3 years preceding the
A final Water Conservation Plan for the CUP application will be developed and submitted
upon receipt and incorporation of review comments from CCUA. Jones Edmunds will attend
up to one meeting with CCUA to review the draft Water Conservation Plan.
Draft and final Water Conservation Plan.
A preferred future augmentation allocation scenario will be identified in Task 2 and through
coordination with SJRWMD. The groundwater modeling corresponding to the preferred
scenario will be used as part of the CUP application.
Jones Edmunds will coordinate with SJRWMD staff to confirm the modeling scenarios
required to support the CUP application. Based on this feedback, Jones Edmunds will
perform the CUP-required simulations using the North Florida Southeast Georgia (NFSEG)
groundwater model. Jones Edmunds will use the results of the groundwater modeling to
assess the potential for environmental impacts associated with the proposed groundwater
withdrawals. As required, the evaluation will also evaluate the potential for water quality
impacts or impacts to other legal users.
The environmental evaluation will be a "desktop" evaluation consistent with SJRWMD
requirements, which is based on available wetland and surface water data to validate that
CCUA's proposed withdrawals are not harmful. Jones Edmunds will prepare a Groundwater
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January 2025 Renewal of CCUA CUP No. 51227
Modeling Impact Assessment Report summarizing the groundwater flow modeling
methodology, assumptions, and results for inclusion in the CUP application.
Jones Edmunds will provide wetland mitigation evaluation services for any potentially
affected wetlands under Task 9 - Owner Allowance including services from a wetland
scientist or ecologist for basic wetland mitigation monitoring plans based on desktop
analysis and SJRWMD direction.
Draft Groundwater Modeling TM.
CCUA is a participant in the Black Creek Water Resources Development Project to address
its potential impacts to Lakes Brooklyn and Geneva based on a total withdrawal up to
24 MGD. Depending on the preferred future augmentation allocation scenario, CCUA could
temporarily exceed the impact level previously purchased. As part of this task, Jones
Edmunds will perform groundwater modeling using the Keystone Heights Transient Model
(KHTM) to quantify the potential impacts of the proposed allocation and to help develop
alternatives for CCUA to address its needs via CUP conditions.
Jones Edmunds plans to use information from CCUA's CUP 416 to address the potential for
impacts to the Lower Santa Fe and Ichetucknee River MFLs and not develop a separate plan
for this CUP.
Jones Edmunds will summarize groundwater modeling and develop a section for the TM or
additional CUP condition language for CCUA to address any additional impacts to Lakes
Brooklyn and Geneva.
Draft and final TM for CUP condition language.
Jones Edmunds will prepare the CUP application package that using Form 40c-2.900(1) and
Supplemental Form 40c-2.900(1)f, including required tables, figures, and supporting
documents. Tables and figures will use information previously developed. The supporting
documents will include the water demand and withdrawal projections, Water Conservation
Plan, water audit, Reuse Plan, and groundwater modeling files and documents developed
under other tasks. Jones Edmunds will either submit or assist CCUA with submitting the
application to SJRWMD via the E-Permitting portal. CCUA will be responsible for the permit
application fees required for the CUP processing.
CUP application package.
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January 2025 Renewal of CCUA CUP No. 51227
Jones Edmunds will attend up to two online progress meetings with CCUA to discuss the
permit application process and discuss strategic approaches associated with the key
elements of the CUP application such as augmentation demands and surface water and
groundwater allocations. These meetings will be held before the CUP application package is
submitted to SJRWMD.
Jones Edmunds will attend up to two meetings with SJRWMD to discuss the permit
application and supporting documents to facilitate the review process of the application by
Final Groundwater TM detailing SJRWMD direction on the CUP application.
Jones Edmunds will respond to up to one request for additional information (RAI) from
SJRWMD to clarify information submitted in the original CUP application package. If
questions from the RAI require Jones Edmunds to perform field work or new work that is not
a clarification of the information previously submitted, Jones Edmunds will respond to these
questions under Task 9 or a separate task authorization. If needed, Jones Edmunds will
coordinate and attend one meeting with CCUA to discuss the RAI.
In addition, Jones Edmunds will review the draft CUP to ensure that the permit conditions,
and especially the water allocations, are in accordance with the CUP application. In the case
of discrepancies, Jones Edmunds will communicate with SJRWMD to assist CCUA in revising
the CUP accordingly.
Permit RAI response packages.
If additional work is required for the CUP renewal, such as questions from the RAI that
require Jones Edmunds to perform field work or new work that is not a clarification of the
information previously submitted, then Jones Edmunds will respond to these questions as
requested by CCUA.
Table 1 shows that this Scope of Services will be completed within 240 calendar days from
the Notice to Proceed (NTP). The intent is to complete Tasks 2, 3, and 6 before March 8,
2025, the expiration date of the current CUP, to allow timely submittal of a renewal
application. Completing the other tasks of this Scope before the CUP application submittal
may not be possible.
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January 2025 Renewal of CCUA CUP No. 51227
Table 1 Schedule in Days from Notice to Proceed
Task Description Schedule from NTP
1 Project Management and Progress Meetings 240
2 Demand Projections 60
3 Water Conservation Plan 60
4 Groundwater Modeling 90
5 MFL Modeling and Evaluation 90
6 Application Forms 60
7 Pre-Application Coordination 60
8 Post-Application Services 210
9 Owner Allowance 210
Table 2 presents the compensation terms and estimated Task budgets totaling $70,826.80
on a lump-sum basis for Tasks 1 through 8 and $19,917.60 on a fee-not-to-exceed basis for
Task 9 for a total amount of $90,944.40 to be authorized for completion of the Tasks
included in this Scope of Services.
Table 2 Compensation Terms and Task Budgets
Task Task Description Total Fee
1 Project Management
and Meetings $8,090.00
2 Demand Projections $15,854.80
3 Water Conservation $2,362.10
Plan '
4 Groundwater $16,204.60
MFL Modeling and
5 Evaluation $9,412.00
6 Application Forms $2,182.70
7 Pre-Application $9,075.20
Coordination '
8 Post-Application $7'645.40
9 Owner Allowance $19,917.60
Total $90,744.40
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January 2025 Renewal of CCUA CUP No. 51227
Project Name: Renewal of CCUA CUP 51227 Prepared On: 12/30/24
JonesEdmunds Client: CCUA Prepared By: P. Burger
Opportunity Number: 95696-410-24 Reviewed On: 12/31/24
Project Number: TBD Revised By: B. Goodman
Project Fee Estimate
Staffing Plan
Senior Senior
Senior Project Senior GIS Technical Administrative
Project Officer Senior PM Engineer Engineer Senior Scientist Analyst Editor Assistant
Billing Rate
$300.00 $265.00 $265.00 $215.00 $160.00 $160.00 $165.00 $115.00
Sub Expenses
Task No. Task Description Hours Total Hours Labor Cost Consultant (ODC's) Total Fee
1 Project Management and Progress Meetings
Meetings with CCUA(Up to 6) 6 6 4 16 $3,850.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,850.00
Project Management 16 16 $4,240.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4,240.00
Subtotal Project Management& Meetings 6 22 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 32 $8,090.00 $0.00 $0.00 $8,090.00
2 Demand Projections
Develop Demand Projects 8 16 16 40 $8,120.00 $0.00 $0.00 $8,120.00
Demand Projections Technical Memorandum 2 4 4 4 2 16 $3,190.00 $4,544.80 $0.00 $7,734.80
Subtotal Demand Projections 2 12 0 16 0 20 4 2 1 56 $11,310.00 $4,544.80 $0.00 $15,854.80
3 Water Conservation Plan
Review Current Water Conservation Plan 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Perform Water Audit 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Water Conservation Plan Report 0 $0.00 $2,362.10 $0.00 $2,362.10
Subtotal Water Conservation Plan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0.00 $2,362.10 $0.00 $2,362.10
4 Groundwater Modeling
Develop Allocation Scenario 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Groundwater Modeling of Allocation Scenario 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Groundwater Modeling Technical Memorandum 2 4 4 2 12 $2,630.00 $13,574.60 $0.00 $16,204.60
Subtotal Groundwater Modeling 2 4 0 0 0 4 2 0 1 12 $2,630.00 $13,574.60 $0.00 $16,204.60
5 MFL Modeling and Evaluation
MFL Modeling 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
MFL Mitigation Plan and CUP Language 2 6 4 4 2 2 20 $4,030.00 $5,382.00 $0.00 $9,412.00
Subtotal MFL Modeling and Evaluation 2 6 0 0 4 4 2 2 1 20 $4,030.00 $5,382.00 $0.00 $9,412.00
6 Application Forms
Prepare Application Package 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Permit Application Submittal/Support 0 $0.00 $2,182.70 $0.00 $2,182.70
,Subtotal Application Forms 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0.00 $2,182.70 $0.00 $2,182.70
7 Pre Application Coordination
Meeting with SJRWMD 2 4 6 $1,660.00 $7,415.20 $0.00 $9,075.20
Subtotal Pre Application Coordination 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 $1,660.00 $7,415.20 $0.00 $9,075.20
8 Post Application Services
Meeting with SJRWMD 2 4 6 $1,660.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,660.00
Analysis for Post Application Services 4 2 2 8 $1,620.00 $4,365.40 $0.00 $5,985.40
Subtotal Post Application Services 2 8 0 0 0 0 2 2 14 $3,280.00 $4,365.40 $0.00 $7,645.40
9 Owner Allowance(T&M)
Contingency (T&M) 8 16 4 24 16 10 4 82 $16,210.00 $3,707.60 $0.00 $19,917.60
Subtotal Contingency 8 16 4 0 24 16 10 4 82 $16,210.00 $3,707.60 $0.00 $19,917.60
Total Lump Sum Tasks 16 56 0 16 4 28 10 10 140 $31,000.00 $39,826.80 $0.00I $70,826.80
Grand Total 24 72 4 16 28 44 20 14 222 $47,210.00 $43,534.40 $0.00 $90,744.40
Y:\03742-Clay County Utility Authority\Opportunities\2024\CUP Renewal\Copy of CCUA_CUP_Renewal_Draft_FeeEstimate_V3.xlsx