HomeMy WebLinkAbout05.a Minutes 010725 Regular Session MINUTES
January 7,2025
The Board of Supervisors of the Clay County Utility Authority (CCUA) met in Regular Session in the Board
meeting room at the Administrative Office of the Clay County Utility Authority, 3176 Old Jennings Road,
Middleburg, Florida, on the above-stated date.
Item No. 1 —Call to Order
Vice-Chairman McNees called the meeting to order at 2:00 P.M.
Item No. 2—Invocation/Pledge of Allegiance
Mr. McCall offered the Invocation and led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Item No. 3—Roll Call
Roll Call was taken with Vice-Chairman McNees, Mr. Bourre, Mr. Hingst, Mr. McCall, Mr. Petty, and Mrs. Taylor
in attendance.
Also present at the meeting were Executive Director Jeremy Johnston, Chief Operations Officer Darryl Muse, Chief
Engineer Paul Steinbrecher, Assistant Chief Engineer Joe Paterniti, Service Availability Manager Melisa Blaney,
Environmental Compliance Manager Heather Webber, Procurement Manager Angelia Wilson, Risk & Safety
Manager Stan Jurewicz, Communications and Public Relations Specialist Kasandra Ortiz, Contract & Procurement
Specialist Darrin Parker, Administrative Assistant Operations Alicia Ellis, Administrative Assistant Engineering
Annecia Asberry, and Grady H. Williams, Jr., legal counsel to the CCUA.
Item No. 4—Approval of Minutes
a. Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting,December 17, 2024
After discussion, Mr. Bourre moved, seconded by Mr. McCall, and carried 6-0,to approve the minutes of the
Regular Meeting held on December 17,2024.
Item No. 5—Approval of Consent Agenda
After discussion, Mrs. Taylor moved, seconded by Mr. McCall, and carried 6-0, to approve the Consent Agenda as
a. Approval of Financial and Operational Activities
1) Approval of Payment of Warrants
Warrants totaling$3,849,392.64
a. Schedule of payments to Sole Sources
b. Schedule of Emergency Repairs/Purchases—None
c. Schedule of items initiated under Emergency Contract-None
d. Schedule of payments from the Emergency Account-None
e. Schedule of claims paid under the Sewage Backup Response Policy—None
f. Statement from Grady H. Williams, Jr. LL.M.
2) Request for Asset Disposal Authorization—None
3) Sole Source Designation—None
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b. Approval of Capital Budget Activities
1) Requests for Award of Procurement Contracts and/or Ratification of
Procurement/Construction Contracts or Contract Renewals
a. Proposed Approval of Contract Renewal for the Architectural and Engineering
Design and Permitting Services RFQ No. 2022/2023-A03
b. Proposed Approval of Contract Renewal for the Hydrogeological and Environmental
Professional Engineering Services RFQ No. 2022/2023-A02
c. Proposed Approval of Contract Renewal for the Outfall Inspection, Maintenance and
Repair Services RFQ No. 2023/2024-A22
2) Approval of Supplemental Agreements and Change Orders—None
c. Approval of Financing Requests—None
d. Approval of Contract Usage
(1) OMNIA Partners Information Technology Solutions and Services Contract No. 2018011-02
(Foxit PDF Tools and Services Solution Contract)
e. Approval of Developer Agreements,Warranty Deeds &Easements
1) Developer Agreement CU24/25-5 — Exalt Health 40-Bed Rehab Hospital — 385 Taylor
Avenue (Orange Park Rehab, LP) — 24.50 ERC's water, 21.50 ERC's wastewater, 24.50
ERC's AWS, 24.50 ERC's SJRWMD, 21.50 ERC's environmental impact, 21.50 ERC's debt
service - $247,889.00
2) Developer Agreement CU24/25-6 — Highland Park Subdivision — Consisting of 75 lots
(AMH Development, LLC) — 75 ERC's water, 75 ERC's wastewater, 75 ERC's reclaimed,
75 ERC's AWS, 75 ERC's SJRWMD, 75 ERC's debt service - $446,237.49 ($400,740.00
3) Developer Agreement CU24/25-7 — Murray Farms — 87 Single Family Lots (Pulte Home
Company, LLC) — 87 ERC's water, 87 ERC's wastewater, 87 ERC's AWS, 87 ERC's
SJRWMD, 87 ERC's environmental impact- $527.554.82 ($489,162.72 deferred)
4) Developer Agreement KU24/25-10 — Wastewater Service to 2001 Lakeshore Drive North
(Larry & Paulette Hinken) — 1 ERC wastewater, 1 ERC environmental impact, 1 ERC debt
service - $7,995.76
5) Developer Agreement KU24/25-11 — Wastewater Service to 7714 River Avenue (Mark &
Suzanne Silver) — 1 ERC wastewater, 1 ERC environmental impact, 1 ERC debt service -
6) Grant of Easement—20 Sleepy Hollow Road- Grantor- Clay County
Item No. 6—Customer Account Adjustments—None
Item No. 7—Business discussed at committee meetings-None
Item No. 8—Executive Director's Business
a. Enterprise Resource Platform Update
Executive Director Jeremy Johnston provided an update on the Enterprise Resource Platform deployment. This
report was for the Board's information only; no action was requested or required on this item.
b. Proposed Professional Service Agreement with Tracmac,Inc.
Procurement Manager Angelia Wilson and Environmental Compliance Manager Heather Webber presented a
Proposed Professional Service Agreement with Tracmac, Inc. The development and implementation of a
NELAC-certified microbiology lab for analyzing drinking water on CCUA's property located at 2932 Ravines
Road is currently in the planning phase. CCUA currently lacks personnel with the necessary expertise in the
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establishment and operation of an environmental laboratory. Although existing employees have acquired
laboratory experience through academic courses and research, this experience was gained within pre-existing
laboratory environments. Critical tasks such as purchasing appropriate equipment, creating operating manuals
and standard operating procedures, obtaining Department of Health and National Environmental Laboratories
Accreditation Conference certifications, and conducting required quality assurance and quality control tests
require specialized knowledge found in the laboratory industry. Tracmac was recommended to CCUA by
environmental laboratory staff from the St. Johns County Utility Department. Tracmac is qualified to assist staff
in navigating these complex processes to establish a CCUA-owned and operated laboratory. After discussion,
Mr. Hingst moved, seconded by Mr. Petty and carried 6-0, to approve execution of the Professional Service
Agreement with Tracmac, Inc., in the amount of$10,000, as presented.
c. Ratification of Emergency Purchase for Fleming Island Water Reclamation Facility Gear Unit
Mr. Johnston and Chief Operations Officer Darryl Muse presented for ratification the emergency repair and
purchase which were organized during the Christmas holiday by Mr. Muse and General Superintendent of
Distribution and Collection, Assistant Chief Operations Officer David Rawlins. The Fleming Island Regional
Reclamation Facility #1 mixer in Biological Treatment Unit #2 (BTU) failed. The BTU requires three (3)
operational mixing units to ensure proper aeration within the bay. The drive units were quoted at$109,000 by the
original equipment vendor, with a 30-week estimated delivery time. A local vendor, Power&Pumps,provided a
$64,163 quote to staff for almost half the price, with a 21 to 23-week delivery time. After discussion, Mr. Petty
moved, seconded by Mrs. Taylor, and carried 6-0,to ratify the Emergency Purchase as presented.
d. State Revolving Fund Loan Resolution 2024/2025-06 - Designating the Executive Director as the Authorized
Representative to execute prospective grant funding application documents for Project Quench
Chief Engineer Paul Steinbrecher requested execution of Resolution No. 2024/2025-06 - State Revolving Fund
Loan Resolution designating the Executive Director as the Authorized Representative to execute prospective
grant funding application documents for Project Quench. On November 19, 2024, the Board approved
Supplemental Agreement No. 1 with Carollo Engineers to complete a funding request for Project Quench under
the Clean Water SRF Emerging Contaminants Program. The funding through the State, if approved, would be in
the form of a 100% loan forgiveness program. In processing the submitted request, the State has advised that a
supporting Board Resolution is required to name CCUA's Authorized Representative for executing prospective
loan documents. After discussion, Mr. Bourre moved, seconded by Mr. McCall, and carried 6-0, to approve
execution of the Resolution, as presented.
e. Proposed Supplemental Agreement No. 2 to Professional Services Agreement RFQ 2023/2024-A01 with Jones
Edmunds and Associates,Inc.,to provide Augmentation Consumptive Use Permit Renewal Services
Mr. Steinbrecher presented proposed Supplemental Agreement No. 2 to Professional Services Agreement RFQ
2023/2024-A01 with Jones Edmunds and Associates, Inc., to provide Augmentation Consumptive Use Permit (CUP)
Renewal Services. CCUA owns and operates twenty-three (23) Water Treatment Plants to supply drinking water
to its 55,000 customer accounts in Clay County. CCUA also owns and operates seven (7) Water Reclamation
Facilities and eleven (11)Associated Reclaimed Water Storage and Pumping Stations that serve reclaimed water
as an essential component of our service territory's water supply. Groundwater withdrawals from these existing
facilities along with proposed future facilities are governed by several St. Johns River Water Management
District (SJRWMD or District) CUP Permits. CCUA applied for and believes it is in the final administrative
stages of completing renewal of CUP 416 (North Grid) and CUP 137335 (Governor's Park) in a new 20-year
consolidated permit. CUP 431 for Keystone Heights is not due for renewal until late 2031. CUP 51227 is due for
renewal application by March 8, 2025, and governs groundwater withdrawals for augmentation of the reclaimed
water system for periods when supplies are inadequate to meet demands. This effort relates to consulting support
for the reclaimed augmentation permit renewal, CUP 51227. Staff interviewed two consulting firms from the
Continuing Engineering Contract stable for this work, and selected Jones Edmunds and Associates, Inc.
(Consultant), based on their strong knowledge of our system, regional groundwater science, consumptive use
permitting savvy, and absence of external conflicts. Staff worked with the Consultant in fashioning the scope of
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services to provide the necessary renewal demand evaluations, modeling, and other normal and customary
application components. The work includes pre-application and post-application meetings with the District for a
lump sum amount of $70,826.80. The work also includes a contingency time and materials component if the
agency issues exceptional requests for additional information beyond the information typically submitted. The
time and materials portion of up to $19,917.60 would be performed at CCUA's request, only if needed. The
scope of work is expected to be completed within 240 calendar days from Notice to Proceed. After discussion,
Mr. Petty moved, seconded by Mrs. Taylor, and carried 6-0, to approve Supplemental Agreement No. 2 to
Professional Services Agreement RFQ 2023/2024-A01 with Jones Edmunds and Associates,Inc.,as presented.
f. Approval of Agreements with the Florida Depai intent of Transportation and allocation of funds from the Capital
Improvement Program Management Reserves
Assistant Chief Engineer Joe Paterniti requested approval of Agreements with the Florida Department of
Transportation and allocation of funds from the Capital Improvement Program Management Reserves. FDOT is
designing the intersection improvements to Blanding Blvd at Wells Road. The currently scheduled bid date for
this FDOT project is January 29, 2025, with construction beginning on August 13, 2025. This project impacts
CCUA water mains in two locations.
• The first location requires CCUA to relocate an 8-inch diameter water main at the NE corner of
Blanding Blvd. and Wells Road before roadway construction begins. CCUA provided a signed
Utility Work Schedule to FDOT on September 5, 2024, outlining the relocation conditions. It also
included"locating and protecting"the second conflict.
• The second conflict location is with a 12-inch diameter water main located on the SE corner of
Blanding Blvd. and Wells Road. FDOT proposes to install a conflict manhole at this location.
To address the second conflict, FDOT provided an agreement to allow the FDOT contractor to install the conflict
structure during roadway construction. In addition, the FDOT requires funds to construct the conflict manhole in
the amount of$22,000 to be placed into an escrow account. The third-party escrow agreement with FDOT will
also require CCUA signatures. Staff estimated the cost of relocating the first conflict to be $110,000. The second
conflict is estimated at $22,000. We request a budget of$150,000 including a contingency budget of$18,000 to
address the two conflict locations. These conflicts were only brought to our attention in July 2024 once the
FDOT completed its design plans. We will need funds from the Management Reserve Account, as these conflicts
were unknown when developing the CIP Budget. After discussion, Mr. Hingst moved, seconded by Mr. McCall,
and carried 6-0, to approve the CIP Budget adjustment and authorize the Executive Director to execute the
FDOT agreements associated with the project, as presented.
g. FY 2024/2025— 1st Quarter Social Media Analytics Presentation
Communications and Public Relations Specialist Kasandra Ortiz provided a presentation on the FY 2024/2025 —
1st Quarter Social Media Analytics. This report was for the Board's information only; no action was requested or
required on this item.
h. Other
Mr. Johnston shared an overview of the North Florida Regional Water Supply Plan Project Conceptualization
Partnership was included in the FYI section of the agenda and also reminded everyone about the tour on Friday,
January 10, 2025.
Item No. 9—Legal Business
a. Other-None
Item No. 10—Old Business/New Business -None
Item No. 11 —Public Comment-None
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Item No. 12—Supervisor Comments
Vice-Chairman McNees and Mrs. Taylor both shared they will not be able to attend the meeting on January 21,
Item No. 13 —Adjournment
Vice-Chairman McNees adjourned the meeting at 2:52 P.M.
Chris McNees,Vice-Chairman
Janice Loudermilk, Recording Secretary
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