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06.a 2711 Woodsdale Drive_Mary Marcus
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AGENDA ITEM: Mary Marcus—Request for waiver of$30.00 Return Payment Fee (Unable to Locate) Date: January 23, 2025 BACKGROUND: Ms. Mary Marcus has a residential water account at 2711 Woodsdale Drive in Middleburg, Florida. Ms. Marcus presented an e-check payment in the amount of$54.97 on 12/27/2024. This payment was entered into her SpryEngage portal account, at which time the account information was saved to her virtual wallet. The payment was subsequently returned as "Unable to locate" and her account was charged a $30.00 return payment fee. The $30.00 fee was waived as a courtesy upon customer request, per CCUA policy listed for Customer Programs: Service Charges. On, 12/23/2024, Ms.Marcus repaid the original amount of the e-check using a credit/debit card. On 01/13/25, Ms. Marcus made a second e-check payment,not realizing she had stored the previous payment information in December and was using the same incorrect account number. That payment also returned as unable to locate and Ms. Marcus was charged a $30.00 return payment fee. Ms. Marcus requested this fee be waived. However, based on current CCUA policy, her account does not qualify to have this fee waived. Per CCUA policy listed for Customer Programs: Returned Checks, the customer must meet qualifying criteria, which includes the customer must not have had a credit related service interruption or late payment for at least the past 5 consecutive years. Ms. Marcus has had one late payment in five years, at which time her account was charged a late fee on 02/04/2021. On 01/21/25,Ms.Marcus spoke with Marla Champion,Customer Service Supervisor.Ms.Champion was able to explain to Ms. Marcus the issue with the stored account information and walked Ms. Marcus through the steps to remove the incorrect bank account information from her virtual wallet in SpryEngage. Ms. Marcus replaced the banking information with corrected credit/debit card information and repaid the original amount of the returned payment. Ms. Marcus is seeking additional relief in the amount of$30.00 for the second return fee based on her belief the site was confusing, and it was not made clear to her the payment information used initially was in fact, stored. RECOMMENDATION: Staff has worked with the customer to ensure the incorrect stored account number has been removed. The customer has, in good faith, made sure the incorrect banking information is no longer saved as to avoid this situation in the future. Staff recommends Ms. Marcus's request be granted and the second $30.00 service fee waived. REQUEST: Staff respectfully requests the Board approve staff's recommendation to waive the $30.00 service fee for the second return payment due to being unable to locate. ATTACHMENTS: Customer Account Ledger SpryCIS Customer Account Ledger Legacy CIS Emails received on behalf of Ms. Mary Marcus Customer Program Service Charges Policy Customer Program Returned Checks Policy if� riiii---- ; ) 1'‘.-----1:4.-------4Urtli(fr CCUA 3176 Old Jennings Road Middleburg, FL FL 32068 Date: 2025-01-23 Account Transaction Details Page: 1,i3 Time: 09.58-41 EST Revision: rev 1.0 Account A00014911 /Mary Marcus 12711 Wnodsdale Drive Totals By Category Amount Total Charges 1.501.69 Total Payments/Credits -1,337.14 Date Range: 2023-01-23 to 2025-01-23 Description Posting Time Document Date Amount Balance After , ,,n-i=,it- :n Ar. nunt ACC1:114 ' 2025-01-21 11:45 PM 2025-01-21 -56.53 30.00 Returned Check Service Fee-Unable to Loce... :; ,2025-01-17 3:14 PM 2025-01-17 r : ::;, 115.53 Reversal-for Pavnien:0000460440 2025-01-17 11:4C AM 2025-01-1 7 55.53 55.53 Pay_m nl-.tm.AocouatA000i4911 __ _•_..,...2025-01-13 11:45 PM 2025-01-13 ,_ ' Q00 Sewer Bill ' 2b January 2025 I BA0000046958 2025-01-08 8:18 AM 2025-01-06 37.93 55.53 Water Be 12b January 20251 BA0000046959 2025-01-08 8:18 AM 2025-01-06 17.60 17.60 Charge Reversal!A00014911 2024-12-26 10.35 AM 2024-12-12 -30.00 0-00 Payment-on Account A00014911 2024-12-23 11:45 PM 2024-12-23 -54.97 30.00 Returned Check Service cee- Unable to Loca. . 2024-12-2 3 1 1:13 AM 2024 2-23 30.00 84.97 Reversal-for Payment 0000415384 2024-12-21 11:38 AM 2024-12-21 54.97 54.97 Payment-on Account A00014911 2024-12-1/ '1:45 PM 2024-12-17 -54-97 0.00 Sewer Bill i 2b December 2024 I BA000004695... 2024-12-04 12:06 PM 2024-12-06 37.53 54.97 Water Bill ' 2h December 2024 , BA000004695.. 2024-12-04 12:06 PM 2024-12-CC.. 17.44 17.44 Payment-on Account A00014811 2024-11-18 11:45 PM 2024-11-18 -56.08 0.00 Sewer Bill • 2b November 2024 , BA000004695... 2024-11-06 12:10 PM 2C24-"-06 38.32 56 08 Water Bil!2b November 2024 I BA000004695... 2024-11-06 12:10 PM 2024-11-06 . 17.76 17.76 Davrrenl-on Acro,ot A00014911 2024-1C-1 7 '1:45 PM 2C24-10-17 -50.67 0.01 Sewer Bill;2b October 2024?BA0000046958 2024-10-02 3:34 PM 2024-10-04 34.50 50.67 'Water- Bill!2b October 2024± BA0CCi0",43 5. 2024-1 C-02 :3:34 PM 2024-10-04 16.17 16.17 Payment-on Account A00014911 2024-09-16 11:45 PM 2024-09-16 -50.14 0.00 SeNer all 2b Sepriber 2024 I BAc0,7100469... 2i024-09-05.3:56 PM 2024-0946 34 12 50.14 Water Bit!2b September 20241 BA_0. 0000469,., 2024-09-05 3:56 PM 2024-09-06 •.. 16.02 _. :., : 16.02 Payment-or Account A00014911 2024-08-16 11:45 PM 2024-08-18 -53.21 0.00 Sewer Bill/2b August 2024!BA0000046956:r4 2024-08-07 7:49 AM 2024-08-09 36.36` " _-- . Water Bill,2o August 2024 i SA0000046959 2024-08-07 7.49 AM 2024-08-09 16 91 16.91 Records 1-25 of 84 Date: 2025-01-23 Account Transaction Details Page: 2/3 Time: 09 58:41 EST Revision: rev 1.0 Account A00014911 I Mary Marcus/2711 Woodsclale Dnve Date Range: 2023-01-23 to 2025-01-23 Description Posting Time Document Date Amount Balance After Payment-on Account A00014911 2024-07-14 11;45 PM 2024-07-14 -58.14 0.00 Sen'er B:Il ' 2h July 2024 + BA0000046958 2024-07-03 4:24 PM 2024-07-01 39.80 55.14 Water Bill I 2b July 2024/BA0000046959 2024-07-03 4:24 PM 202407-01 ' -•- 1- : ..- "Ifs.#'4 18.34 Payment-on Acc.mnt A00014911 2124-06-20 11:45 PM 2024-06-20 -51 70 0.00 Sewer Bil:2b June 2024/BA0000046958 2024-06-05 8:15 PM 2024-06-03 "'"- 35.23 51,70 Water Bill , 2b .,u-le 2.124 , BA0000046959 2024-06-05 8:15 PM 2024-06-03 16.47 15.47 Payment-on Account A00014911 2024-05-17 11:45 PM 2024-05-17._.. :,- ' -52.15 0.00 Se,.'er Bill ' 20 Mav 2024 • BA000CC4695R 2024-05. 09 5:02 PM 2024-05-06 35.55 52 15 Water Bil I 2b May 2024/SA0000046959. : 2024.05.09 5:02 PM 2024-05-06 ,:.:.;. s -?"" 16.60 _.. . 16.60 HIST PYMT- PYMT0000971876 2024-04-15 12.00 AM 2024-04-15 -12 19 0 00 HIST BILL:B03850563/2b Apn12024 I BA00L„: 2024-04-05 12:00 AM 2024-04-04;`;'""""�' ' r 8.32 : = 12.19 HIST BIL_ BC 385C.562 2b April 2024 BA00... 2324-04-05 12:00 AM 2024-04-05 4.58 3.87 HIST PYMT-PYMT0000801879 2024-03-1912:00 AM 2024-03-19 •'. ;.',.....__43.O : -0.71 HIS- BILL BC3734374 ' 2b ADnI 2024 r BA00... 2024-03-07 11:DC PM 2024-03-07 16.86 52.33 HIST BILL:B03734373 2b April 2024 I BA00... 2024-03-07 11:00 PM 2024-03-07 36.18 35.47 HIST PYMT- PYVT000065'6'8 2024-02-19 1:00 PM 2024-02-23 -58 90 -0.71 HIST BILL:1303613998/2b March 2024/BA00... 2024-02-07 11:00 PM 2024-02-07 18.56 58.19 HIST BILL. 803611997 '2:, Marc- 2024 i BA00._ 2024-02-07 11:00 PM 2024-C2-07 40.34 39.63 HISTPYMT-PYMT0000041507 2024-01-16 11:00 PM 2C24-01-17 -47,18 -0.71 HIST BI__ B03494986 2b Jan...ary 20024 ' BA 2024-01-04 11.00 PM 2024-01-04 '5.16 45_47 HIST BILL: B03494985/2b January 2024/BA... 2024-01-04 11:00 PM 2024-01-04 32.02 31.31 HIS PYr.'T - PYMTON:0533644 2023-12-26 11:0C PM 2023-12-27 -53 04 -0 71 HIST BILL: B03377641 /2b December 2023 i B... 2023-12-06 11:00 PM 2023-12-06 36.18 . 52.33 HIST BILL, B333776'40 2h Decerriue-2t123 r B... 2023-12-06 11.00 PM 2023-12-06 16 86 '6.15 HIST PYMT-PYMT0000378863 2023-11-19 11:00 PM 2023-11-20 _ -53.04 • -0.71 HIST BILL: B03261439 2o December 2023 r B., 2023-1'-0R 11 30 FM 2C23-11-C8 72 36 52 33 HIST BILL:B03261438/2b December 2023/B.._ 2023-11-08 11:00 PM 2023-11-08 :_-::: -1 33.72 -20.03 HIST PYMT- PYMT0000207793 2023-10-17 12:00 AM 2023-10-17 -46.74 -53 75 HIST BILL:B0314589512b October 2023/BA... 2023-10-05 12:00 AM 2023-10-05 : 63.42 -7.01 HIST BILL B03145894 2b Oc:obe-2C23 ,' FA 2023-13-05 12:00 AM 2023-'0-05 30 06 -7C.43 HIST PYMT-PYMT0001604068 2023-09-21 12:00 AM 2023-09-21 -50.21 -100.49 HIST CHRG ,�otahle Water Perm:: 2023-09-08 '2:00 AM 2023-09-08 1 09 -50.28 HIST BILL: B03031919.2b October 2023/BA... 2023-09-08 12:00 AM 2023-09-08 66.94 -51.37 HIST BILL: 1303031918 2D October 2023 BA. 2023-09-08 12.00 AM 2022-05-C8 31.30 -115 3' HIST PYMT-PYMT0001452181 2023-08-15 12:00 AM 2023-08-15= ice^. -50.21 -149.61 HIE.-:1 CHRG (Potable Water Perm:li 2023-38-04 12.00 AM 2023-08-04 -.09 -99 43 HIST BILL:B02923720 1 2b August 2023 i BAO... 2023-08-04 12:00 AM 2023-08-04 33.47 -100.49 HIS- BILL. B02923(19 • 2b A:a,,st 2023 ' BAO... 2023-08-04 12:00 AM 2023-08-04 15.65 -133.96 HIST CHRG(Potable Water Permit) 2023-07-07 12:00 AM 2023-07-07 1.09 -149.61 HIST BILL. B:32825854 ' 2n July: 2023 ' BA030 . 2023-07-07 12:00 AM 2C23-37-07 15 65 -150.70 HIST BILL:B02825853 '2b July 2023/BA000... 2023-07-07 12.00 AM 2023-07-07 33.47 -166.35 HIST PYMT- -'YM 1 020 1 74725E 2023-06-22 12:00 AM 2023-06-22 -66.47 -199 82 HIST CHRG(Potable Water Permit) 2023-06-08 12:00 AM 2023-06-08 1.09 -133_35 HIS-PYMT- PYM1-300110=:09C 2023-05-17 12:0C AM 2023-05-'7 -53.21 -134.44 HIST CHRG(Potable Water Permit) 2023-05-04 12:00 AM 2023-05-04 1.09 -84.23 HIST BILL: B02702769 2b May 2023 ' BA000'0_. 2023-05-04 12:C•C AM 2023-05-04 33 47 -85.32 HIST BILL:B027027138 t2b May 2023 i BA0000... 2023-05-04 12:00 AM 2023-05-04" -;li-%.4;,;;�;;Y�`1���; 15.65 -118.79 HIST PYMT- PYMT0001013556 2023-04-24 12:00 AM 2023-04-24 -44.68 -134.44 Records 26-73 of 84 Date: 2025-01-23 Account Transaction Details Page: 3/3 Tine 09:58:41 EST Revision, rev 1.0 Account A00014911 /Mary Marcus!2711 Wooasdale Drive Date Range: 2023-01-23 to 2025-01-23 Description Posting Time Document Date Amount Balance After HIST CHRG(Potable Water Permit) """ 2023-04-06 12:00 AM 2023-04-06 1.09 -89.78 HIS— BILL B02595747' 2b April 2023;BA00... 2023-04-06 '2:0{0 AM 2023-04-06 29 62 -90.85 HIST BILL:B02595746!2b April 2023 18A00..:- 2023-04-06.12:00 AM 2023-04-06 14.08 -120.47 HIST PYMT- PYMT0000879524 2023-33-28 12.00 AM 2023-03-2rP -50.31 -134 55 HIST CHRG(Potable.Water Permit) 2023-03-08 11:00 PM 2023-03-08 1.09:.:.. -84.24 HIS— BILL: B02489681 2b Aprl 2023 . BAOO 2023-03-08 11:00 PM 2023-03-08 3347 -85..33 HIST BILL 80248968012b April 20231MOO_ 2023-03-08 11:00 PM 2023-03-08 15.65:4= 118.80 HIST PYMT - =YMT0000632184 2323-02-15 11.00 PM 21323-02 6 -77 83 -134 2,5 HIST CHRG(Potable Water Permit) 2023-02-08 11:00 PM 2023-02-08 1.09.' ::. -5&62 HIS- BILL: 1302384838 '2b Mar 2023 'BA0000... 2023-02-08 11:00 PM 2023-02-08 24 12 -57.71 HIST BILL: B02384637,'2b Mar 2023 BA0000... 2023-02-08 11:00 PM 2023-02-08: =St;i 52.72 -81.83 Records 74-84 of 84 000.b•%(46) 1 , Clay Count Utility Authority 3176 0. Jennings Road Middleburg.Florida 32068-3907 Telephone(904)272-5999 'v•.lt,.ut;i www.ctayutility.org Group 22 Customer# 00251725 Mary Marcus -- Move-in Date 10/1/2008 I Route# KS03040414 2711 Woodsdale Drive Move-out Date DOMESTIC RECLAIMED Date Transaction Type Charges Late Fee Payments Balance Read Date Prey Curr Usage Prey Curr Usage 04/21/2023 Cash Receipts l 44.68 0.00 I 1 05/0412023 Regular Billing 50 21 50 21 04/27/23 438 440 2 05117/2023 Cash Receipts 50 21 0 00 I 06/08/2023 Regular Billing 66.47 66.47 06/01/23 440 445 5 06/22/2023 Cash Receipts 66.47 0.00 07/07/2023 Regular Billing 50.21 50.21 06/30/23 445 447 2 07/19/2023 Cash Receipts 50.21 0 00 08/04/2023 Regular Billing 5 '2, 50.21 07/31!23 447 449 2 08/14/2023 Cash Receipts 50.21 0.00 1 09/08/2023 Regular Billing 21 5021 08/31/23 449 451 2i 09/20/2023 Cash Receipts 5021 0.00 09/28/2023 In House 0.001 09/28/23 451 452 10/05/2023 1 Regular Billing 4C 74 46.741 09/29/23 451 4521 1 1 10/16/2023 Cash Receipts 46 74 0.001 � I 11/09/2023 Regular Billing 3 04 53.04 11/03/23 452 454I 2 I 11/17/2023 Cash Receipts 53 04 0 00 12/07/2023 Regular Billing 5 3Cw 53.04 12/01/23 454 456I 2 12/23/2023 Cash Receipts 53.04 0.00 1 I 01/05/2024 Regular Billing 47 '3 47 18 12/29+23 456 457 1 01/16/2024 Cash Receipts 47.18 0.00 02/08/2024 Regular Billing T 58 90 58.901 02102/24 457 460 3 02i 18/2024 Cash Receipts I 58 90 0.001 03/08/2024 Regular Billing I 53.04 53.041 03104/24 460 462 2 1 03/18/2024 Cash Receipts I 53 04 0 001 04/05/2024 Regular Billing I 12 g;) -0 71 12.191 04/01/24 462 464 2 04/15/2024 Cash Receipts I 12 19 0 001 ors `'•'+• Clay County Utility Authority (4 El t110113176 Old Jennings Road Middleburg. Florida 32068-3907 ., „�. Telephone(904)272-5999 ��•iL4< www.clayutility.org Group 22 Customer# 00251725 Mary Marcus Move-in Date 10/1/2008 1 Route# KS03040414 2711 Woodsdale Drive Move-out Date DOMESTIC RECLAIMED Date Transaction Type Charges Late Fee Payments Balance Read Date Prey Curr Usage Prey Curr Usage 09/ 0/2021 Regular Billing 46.91 46 91 09/07/21 1 380 382 21 I 09/18/2021 Cash Receipts 46.91 000 1 10/07/2021 Regular Billing 48 95 48 95 10/04/21 I 382 384 21 I 10/15/2021 Cash Receipts 48 95 0.00 I I 11/04/2021 Regular Billing 59 85 59.85 11/01/21 1 384 388 41 11/10/2021 Cash Receipts 59.85 0 00 1 - 1 12/09/2021 Regular Billing ,=5 1 65 16 12/06121 388 393 51 12/18/2021 Cash Receipts 65.16 0.00 1 01/0612022 Regular Billing 54 54 54 54 01/03122 393 396 31 01/13/2022 Cash Receipts 54 54 0.00 1 02/04/2022 Regular Billing <' 32 43.92 02/01/22 3961 397 1 [ 02/12/2022 Cash Receipts 43.92 0.00 1 T 03/04/2022 Regular Billing 47 71 40 03/01/22 3971 403 61 03/16/2022 Cash Receipts 71.40 0 00 I I 04/07/2022 Regular Billing 4'9 23 -0.32 48 911 04/04?221 403 1 405 21 04/20/2022 Cash Receipts 48.91 0.001 I I 05/05/2022 Regular Billing 9 2: 49.231 05/03/22 4051 407 21 05/13/2022 Cash Receipts 49 23 0 001 1 06/09/2022 Regular Billing 54.54 54.541 06/06/22 4071 410 3 06/21/2022 Cash Receipts 54 54 0.001 07/08/2022 Regular Billing F% 5 '5 65.161 07/05/22 4101 415 5 07/20/2022 Cash Receipts 65 16 0.00 08/04/2022 Regular Billing 54 54 54.54 07/28/22 415 418 3 08/10/2022 Cash Receipts 54.54 0 00 09/09/2022 Regular Billing 49 23 49 23 09/02/22 418 420 21 09/19/2022 Cash Receipts 4923 0 00 10/06/2022 Regular Billing 44 68 44.68 10/02/22 420 421 1 10/2012022 Cash Receipts 44.68 0 00 11/04/2022 Regular Billing 50.21 50.21 10/31/22 421 423 2 11/16/2022 Cash Receipts ' 50 21 0.00 12/08/2022 Regular Billing 50 21 50 21 12/02/22 42_1 425 2 12/19/2022 Cash Receipts 50.21 0.00 01/06/2023 Regular Billing 55 63 i 55.631 12/30/22 4251 428 3 01/19/2023 Cash Receipts 55.63 000 02/09/2023 Regular Billing 77.93 77 93 02/02/23 428 435 02/16/2023 Cash Receipts 77.83 0.10 03/09./2023 Regular Billing 50.21 50.31 03/03/23 435 437 2 03/28/2023 Cash Receipts 50 31 0.00 04/06/2023 Regular Billing 44 79 -0 11 44 68 03/30/23 437 438 1 ostrsk.,, Clay Count► Utility Authority toliu. 3176 O d Jennings Road Middleburg,Florida 32068-3907 .� _ �• Telephone(904)272-5999 �4, y�,.` www.dayubI:ty.org Group I22 J Customer# 00251725 Mary Marcus Move-in Date 10/1/2008 Route# KS03040414 i 2711 Woodsdale Drive J Move out Date I l DOMESTIC RECLAIMED .:a Transaction Type Charges Late Fee Payments Balance Read Date Prey Curr Usage Prey Curr Usage 01/08/2020 Regular Billing 51.06 51 06 01/06/20 314 317 3 01/23/2020 Cash Receipts 51.08 -0.02 02/05/2020 Regular Billing 56.13 56 11 02/03/20 317 321 4 02/23/2020 Cash Receipts 56.11 0.00 03/05/2020 Regular Billing 56 13 56.13 03/03/20 321 325 4 03116/2020 Cash Receipts 57.13 -1 00 04/03;2020 Regular Billing 92 C' -0.83 90.24 04/01/20 325 335 10 04/15/2020 Cash Receipts 90.24 0.00 05/06/2020 Regular Billing 55 56 13 05i04120 335 339 4 05/14/2020 Cash Receipts 56.13 0 00 06/04/2020 Regular Billing 45 99 45.99 06/02/20 339 341 2 06/12/2020 Cash Receipts 45.99 0.001 I 07/08/2020 Regular Billing (Ti 96 51.061 07/06/20 341 344 3 07/15/2020 Cash Receipts 51 06 0 001 08/05/2020 Regular Billing 45.99 45.991 08102(20 344 346 2 08/11/2020 Cash Receipts 45 99 0 00 p 09/04/2020 Regular Billing a5.�*9 45 99 08131/201 346 348 2 09/14/2020 Cash Receipts 45 99 0.00 10/07/2020 Regular Billing 46 7 46.71 10/04/20 348 3501 2 10/15/2020 Cash Receipts 46 71 0.00 I 11/04/2020 Regular Billing 41 74 41.74 10/31/20 350 3511 1 11/13/2020 Cash Receipts 41 74 0.00 1 12/04/2020 Regular Billing 41 91 46,91 12/01/20 351 353 2 12/14/2020 Cash Receipts 46 91 0.00 01/06i2021 Regular Billing 4E; 41 46.91 01/03/21 353 355 2 02/04/2021 Regular Billing 46 01 3.00 96 82 02/01/21 355 357 2 r 02/05/2021 Cash Receipts 4 96.12 0 70 03/04/2021 Regular Billirg 46 91 47 61 03/01(21 357 359 2 03/13/2021 Cash Receipts 47,61 0,00 04/08/2021 Regular Billing 62 42 -0.89 61 531 04/04/21 359 364 5 0417/2021 Cash Receipts 61.53 0 001 05/06/2021 Regular Billing 67 91 67.911 05/03/21 364 370 6 05/10/2021 Cash Receipts 67 91 0 001 06/04/2021 Regular Billing 7468 74.681 06/01/211 3701 377T 06/11/2021 Cash Receipts 74.68 0 001 I I I 07/09/2021 Regular Billing 46.91 46.911 07/05/211 3771 379I 2 07/19/2021 Cash Receipts 46.91 0.001 I I I 08/05/2021 Regular Billing 41.74 41 741 08/01/211 3791 3801 ' 108/11/2021 1-Cash Receipts 41 74 0001 I I I Diana Strickland From: MARY MARCUS <marymal@comcast.net> Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2025 5:02 PM To: Giovanna Tangredi; Diana Strickland; attorne@_general@myfloridalegal.com; CFPBOmbudsman@cfpb.gov; OIG@elderaffairs.org;Janice Loudermilk Subject: auto pay I did not want Fwd: attn Jeremy johnston Fwd: Clay County Utility Authority, FL Invoice# 0002205528 Payment Confirmation Importance: High This Message Is From an Untrusted Sender You have not previously corresponded with this sender. Ms. L and board It just occurred to me that, without my knowledge. and maybe for a staff commission. I was unknowingly signed up for default automatic payment withdrawal without my consent. That is why my bank rejected it because I did not know or approve it. My early credit card payment was ignored This allowed the bank to charge me that S30 fee and eventually force me into an automatic payment which I was clear I did not want. This is unethical Please fix it and cancel my illicitly generated fee. I expect to hear from you by Friday the 24th at the latest that the S30 fee is cancelled. This is a terrible thing to do to a senior citizen. Mary Marcus Original Message From: MARY MARCUS<marymal @comcast.net> To: "jloudermilk@clayutility.org" <jloudermilk@clayutility.org>, "gtangredi@clayutility.org" <gtangredi@clayutility.org>, "dstrickland@clayutility.org" <dstrickland@ctayutility.org>, "attorney.general@myfloridalegal.com" <attorney.general@myfloridalegal.com>, "CFPBOmbudsman@cfpb.gov" <CFPBOmbudsman@cfpb.gov>, ''OIG@elderaffairs.org" <OIG@elderaffairs.org> Date: 01/21/2025 11:31 AM EST Subject: attn jeremyjohnston Fwd: Clay County Utility Authority, FL Invoice# 0002205528 Payment Confirmation Mr. Johnston et al: I am a 78-year-old retired nurse and need to have a complicated payment system failure, that generated a $30 overcharge by Truist Bank, go away, so my water will not be cut off next week. (see email below received late on a Friday when no one was available.) Monday was a holiday. I was told today by Marla (supervisor) that by just repaying the original fee of $55.53 + 3 00 my Clay Utility bill, ' water service will be cut off next week by Clay County utility system. Employees helped me set up my account as I had many complaints about the confusing and complicated system. An employee gave me wrong set up information that generated fees on top of my regular bill. Last month I was told I had a "late" fee of $30 but now this month the directed set up in the system caused me to generate extra $30 fee again and now I'm told it was set up in a default echeck system and my service will be cut off next week despite my repaving the correct fee today 1/21/25_ My payment is not due for 2 weeks For 16 years, before this "new" internet system, I paid just fine and on time. The system is so complicated now that I needed help from Utility staff to set it up and then other staff to correct that set up_ When I called last month, and a mistake was made no one helped to look at the source of the problem so indeed the mistake was made again on my payment and generated another $30 fee which is catastrophic for a retired nurse on a fixed income. See emails below Please eradicate this extra fee and look at this system as it is probably confusing other senior citizens and others as well. Mary Marcus RN, MA 2711 Woodsdale Drive Middleburg Florida 32068 904-614-4015 CCUA Customer Service Do Not Reply <noreply@clayutility.org>1/17/2025 3:15 PM CCUA Return Payment (No Account/Cannot Locate) To marymal©comcast.net Your payment was recently returned, as Unable To Locate, leaving an outstanding balance. Please pay S85.53. with cash, credit card. or money order, no later than 10 days from the date of this notice to avoid service disruption and additional service charges Our Customer Service Representatives are available to take your calls from 8:00a.m. to 5:00p.m.. Monday through Friday, at 1-904-272-5999. Thank you' Clay County Utility Authority Customer Service CCUA. 2025 Original Message From: "Clay County Utility Authority, FL" <no-reply@invoicecloud.net> To: marymal@comcast.net Date: 01/13/2025 1:25 PM EST Subject: Clay County Utility Authority, FL Invoice# 0002205528 Payment Confirmation J Dear Mary Marcus Payment Confirmation ,�account Thank you for your payment to Clay County Utility Authority, FL. l Number: A00014911 Your payment has been successfully processed and your account has been updated. ] lInvoice Number You will continue to receive an email each time a bill is ready for 0002205528 your review. This is an easy way to access, review and pay your ISPayment bills. mount: S57.03 If you haven't already gone paperless, please consider helping the environment, reducing your clutter and supporting our green essage: strategy by opting to move to paperless billing in your next billing cycle. You will always have the option to print your bill directly from PAYMENT PROCESSED 25 your computer if you need it for your records. To go paperless, log on to your account at https://myaccount.clayutility.org/login and select paperless options under My Profile. Then check the Yes, I want to go Paperless box and press update. If you have any questions regarding your account, please email us at customerservice@clayutility.org and include your account number, first name and last name on the account. Thank you for being a valued Clay County Utility Authority, FL customer. Please Note: To ensure delivery of account related email 4 notifications, please add customerservice@clayutility.org to your safe senders list. If you haven't already gone paperless, please help us save money and the environment by enrolling now. Simply log into your account and follow the prompts to go through the paperless process. Thank you! Certain email accounts block messages that you intend to receive. To make sure that you continue to receive updates from Cloud add no-reply @ invoicecloud net to your address book©2010-2020. Invoice Cloud.All nghts reserved. 5 SERVICE CHARGESee kivari REVERSAL OF SERVICE CHARGE: THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OR HIS DESIGNEE MAY AS A COURTESY REVERSE ONE (1 ) $30.00 SERVICE CHARGE FOR A CUSTOMER WHO HAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BENEFITED FROM A SERVICE CHARGE REVERSAL WITHIN THE PAST FIVE (5) YEARS. sot Nco RETURNED CHECKS ~ta ~WAIVE SERVICE CHARGE: ACH PAYMENTS RETURNED DUE TO AN INCORRECT ROUTING OR ACCOUNT NUMBER PROVIDED AT THE TIME PAYMENT ARE ELIGIBLE TO HAVE THE RETURNED CHECK SERVICE CHARGE REMOVED. CUSTOMER MUST MEET ALL THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA: 1 ) CUSTOMER HAS HAD RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL SERVICE WITH CCUA FOR AT LEAST 5 CONSECUTIVE YEARS. 2) CUSTOMER HAS NOT HAD A CREDIT RELATED SERVICE INTERRUPTION OR LATE PAYMENT FOR AT LEAST THE PAST 5 CONSECUTIVE YEARS. 3) THE ACH PAYMENT WAS RETURNED ONLY AS A RESULT OF THE CUSTOMER PROVIDING THE INCORRECT ROUTING OR ACCOUNT NUMBER AT THE TIME THE PAYMENT WAS MADE. IF THE CUSTOMER'S ATTEMPTED PAYMENT IS RETURNED FOR INSUFFICIENT FUNDS OR A STOPPED PAYMENT, THE RETURNED CHECK SERVICE CHARGE MAY NOT BE WAIVED UNDER THIS POLICY.